Charita's Homepage

Charita's Homepage

Hi my name is Charita Boodhan, but most people call me by my middle name which is Lisa. I am a 14 years old and my birthday is on March 10. I am a female and I have dark brown eyes, long black hair. I live in New York Queens in a part called Far Rockaway. I was born in St. John's Hospital in Far Rockaway. I live with my mother, father and two sisters, I'm the middle child which sucks. I have a very vibrant and colorful background. From my mother I am Guyanese, then from my father I am Guyanese and Chinese.
I attend Thomas A. Edison High School, this is a Technical and Vocational High School. I am enrolled in the Pre-Med Pharmacuetical program, I plan to graduate from high school with honors and go on to a Medical College. From there I plan to persue a successful career as a Pediatrician. I would like to become a Pediatrician because I love children they are so adorable and cute, also I would also like to follow in my mothers footsteps even though she isn't a pediatrician. She is still part of the Medical field, she is a Registered Nurse (RN). My hobbies include hanging out with my friends, and talking on the phone. I'm not what you would call a typical "girl", my whole world does not revolve around clothes, make-up, jewlery and boys, but I do talk about these things. Some people like to call me a "tomboy" because I love to play sports, I play football, baseball, handball, basketball and tennis. I also play girly sports like doubledutch, softball, volleyball, and soccer.
My favorite cartoon character is Tweety as you can see. I love Tweety he has been my favorite cartoon character for the longest. I have many secrets and hidden talents, I am a bowling, swimming, volleyball, baskettball and softball fan, I love to play these sports. Also I am a professional dancer, I have been dancing since I was three years old. I am mostly an independent choriographer, but I also dance and sing for "The Shikshyatan Cultural Center". I am a Police Explorer, in this program I do community service, and attend the Police Youth Explorer Academy which is some what like boot camp. Here we are drilled in competitions and we compete with other precincts to win medals. We are taught self defense, and the basic routines and procedures that are needed to be in the police force.
I am a very religious person my religious background is hinduism, I have respect for it and others. I attend church services every week with my family,and I participate in religous services as a token to show how much my religion means to me. I like adventure and I am willing to try anything new. I am very out spoken and I tell people what is on my mind and how I feel. I express myself through dance, song, playing sports, and I hope you will enjoy my work.

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