Ø O C T O B E R  28  2 0 0 6 | Under Repair |
I haven't been doing my job to give this website an update but I'm going to try to get this site as least up to date as possible. I apologize for the lack of designs or implementation. For now I'll use the same layout we had before. Thanks fo keeping up to date. Check back soon! ---WEBMASTER---

Ø S E P T E M B E R  23  2 0 0 6 | Closed |
Ah, I realize that this site has not updated in a really long time. That's because I don't think that we have a webmaster! And I already graduated! So this site is closed until further notice. Thank you, Circle K!

Ø M A R C H  15  2 0 0 6 | New Board |
DCON is one week away! Which means new board! Congratulations to our new President Lyndsey Dean, Vice President Luis Gonzalez, Secretary Rosanna Lee, and Treasurer Linda Duong! Best of luck next year! A great big shout out and thank you to our old board: President Bonnie Le, Vice President Loan Nguyen, Secretary Irene Esteves, and Treasurer Tam Thai! You guys were wonderful! Teach our new board well!

Ø F E B R U A R Y  10  2 0 0 6 | top image |

I'm still making some changes to the site, if you can tell. I'm still working on the pictures! Sorry!

Ø F E B R U A R Y  03  2 0 0 6 | New layout |

I changed the layout again. It's green because it's bright and happy! It was either pink or green, but I decided that the club had enough estrogen, so green it is! Anyway, if there's any problems, please wait. I'm still working out the kinks. Thanks! I hope you like the green, not grey, site!

Ø F E B R U A R Y  01  2 0 0 6 | Comedy Show results |

The Night of Comedy was a success! The comedians were great and the audience was fantastic! A great big THANK YOU to those who came and helped out. But onto new things, we have added some new events so please come! Also, there have been some comments and complaints about the color...or lack of color of the site, so I will be changing the site shortly, so please sit tight and wait. Thanks!

Ø J A N U A R Y   14  2 0 0 6 | Changes |

Some links still don't work, so when you click on the links under the Navigation part, they still lead to the old website. Please don't be alarmed. I am still working on it and will hopefully correct it soon. Thank you!

Ø J A N U A R Y   14  2 0 0 6 | Comedy |

Ah. We have A NIGHT OF COMEDY coming extremely soon! PLEASE buy tickets and come watch our show! It's great fun and all money raised go to charity!
Ø J A N U A R Y   13  2 0 0 6 | start |

It's a new layout! Kind of dreary, I know. But I like it. :) Until someone tells me to change it or until we get a NEW WEBMASTER (OH GOD, PLEASE! I'M LEAVING SOON) this is going to be it.

Spring 2006 semester starts on Tuesday, January 17, 2006. There's a board meeting that night at 7pm. I believe general meetings start again on Wednesday, January 18.

See you there!