Sample Letters

Here are a few examples of letters to help you model your own letters to USA Network.

Please use these as guidelines in preparing your letters and add any thoughts, comments or ideas that you may have.
Letter #1

Dear Blank,

I am writing in regards to the show USAR-1 that I understand is currently in development  and that your network has expessed some interest in.  I feel that this show would be of great interest  to many  television viewers. I am sure it could  provide entertainment, excitement, yet great awareness of the specialized teams of urban search and rescue. 

This is the type of show that I know I would be interested in viewing and that others I have talked with have shown an interest in.

I hope that you will  consider this a show for your line-up as I would be a regular viewer of this type of programming.  I re-call watching Emergency! in the 70's and know the type of impact it has had on the career paths of many who followed into the path of paramedics and/or firefighters.

Thank you for listening.

Yours truly,

Letter #2

Dear Blank,

I recently heard about a show that is being developed called USAR-1.  I would like you to know that this is a show that appeals greatly to my interest.   I would love to see this show in the television line-up as I feel it could be exciting, entertaining and informative to those of us unaware of what search and rescue is really all about.

I would love to be able to watch a great action-drama show that would be able to provide a positive influence for those younger viewers.  By that I mean, younger children and adolescents seeing people risk their lives in various situations for the help of others.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this show for your line-up.

Yours truly,

Format of Letters

Sample #1

Your Name
123 Any Street
Some City, State/Province
Zip/Postal Code

May 1, 2001

Mr. Any Blank
President/USA Cable Network
USA Networks/Sci-Fi Channel (USA Cable Entertainment)
Los Angeles
8800 West Sunset Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA

Dear Mr. Blank:

Type your letter here.


Any Person

Letter Campaign
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