Hello everyone! I am VERY sorry, from the deepest depth of my heart that I have not had the time to update my site. I have been getting email's about my site and why I haven't updated- and I thank you, the fans, for your kind emails, thoughts, and concerns... but the truth is, I changed the whole outter image of the site, hoping to get to the other pages and actuallly add links to the front page, so that you, the viewers/fans, could look around, but I never got around to it. Once school started I had absolutely no time to do it at all. I'm busy with school, family, friends, my boyfriend, studying, and spending time with my loved ones that the time just seems to slip on by. I finally realized it was time I came back to the site to let all of you know I haven't fallen of the face of the earth and that I still love hearing from you. I probably will not get back to my site until this summer, June 2002. It's sad, but true! Though I may not have time for my site, I still have time for my #1 priority and thats keith! I'm still one of his biggest fans reguardless of the time I put into my site and I still love him just the same, lets not forget the whole purpose for this site in the first place!
   I would just like to say that EVERYTHING I put on this site before and I mean EVERYTHING I ever had on this site (especially the new look) was my idea and I would appreciate it if it was not stollen and called someone elses. This site has a copyright and if any ideas or my new look is stolen, it is illegal and I will be very upset if I find that someone did steal something that was mine if the first place, something I put hard work and time into. If there is something that was on my site that you liked, or something that you would like for me to do for you, I would be more than happy to do it. But, do not steal anything... all you have to do is ask. If you can respect me with that then I will respect you just the same. Thank you!
   Other than that... I wish you all the best of the new year and I hope that all of you are doing well. Don't forget to keep in touch with me @
KUKrazyKowgirl@hotmail.com I would still love to hear from you, and as soon as I update my site and get it running (it may be before June, but I don't want to make any promises) I will notify all of you then. If there is anyone new, a new fan or a  new person to the site who I do not have the email address of, please email me and I will add you to my list and anyone else, who I may not have the email address of, email me as well so I can make sure that each and every one of you are notified when the site is updated and put back together!
   Again, I am truly sorry for the big mess and I regret not having the time to work on the site. Please accept my apology and keep in touch! I would appreciate that so much!
   Until next time, Urbanites, I'll talk to you later! Remember: "It's a love thing"- ku, and thats what keeps us fans together! THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!

With keith love and urban hugs,
Your KU-T,
(c) Liz (KU-T) Hot Saucy Aussie ~www.oocities.org/urbanaussieku~

This website is in no way affiliated with Capitol Records, keith urban's fan club, or his management. I am not keith urban. All main ideas, thoughts, and work put into this site are not to be copied, stolen, or used for other purposes. These thoughts and ideas are from the rightful owner and are not to be used by anyone else. If there is a question please
contact the owner of this site. All rights reserved.