by Marc Cohen

10. Italy: Mussolini should have eliminated the King and the Vatican from the picture. In 1943, this error exploded in Mussolini's face, and he was arrested. Skorzeny's amazing rescue notwithstanding, Italy from now on housed an Allied foothold in Europe.

9. 1934/Hindenberg/Bloomberg: These two men forced Hitler to purge the SA in 1934, sparing the Army; 10 years later, this would prove devastating, as epitomized, for instance, by 20 July 1944.

8. Hitler's declaration of War on the U.S.A. - Mind you, the U.S.A. was attacking German ships and funding (to the tune of the British Empire's bankruptcy via shipping all her GOLD to the U.S.A. during the war to pay for BILL 1776, "Lend Lease") Germany's enemies; but the longer Hitler avoided conflict with a nation as large and with as many natural resources as the U.S.A., he would have been the better.

7. Japan's Failure as an Ally: Hitler was originally thrilled to on Pearl Harbor day, remarking that now he had, as part of the fight, an ally (Japan) who had never been defeated; but Japan - whose main use should not have been tying up the British and Americans in the Pacific and Far East, but rather invading Eastern Russia so as to relieve Hitler with a second front in Asia - never proved worth the trouble for "Uncle Joe"; like a wolf, Stalin, declared war on Japan after the first atomic bomb fell on them!!!

6. Hitler's Failure to develop the A-Bomb: I say Hitler's failure, because he more or less purposely sabotaged Germany's development of the A-bomb ... he didn't want to win that way, not for humanitarian reasons, but for ecological, common-sense reasons. No, the Allies didn't use the bomb on Germany, but had Hitler been willing to be more serious about developing it, perhaps Germany would have dropped one on its enemies ... but this was against Hitler's character, for better or for worse ...

5. Hermann Goering: A synonym for complacence, arrogance, and incompetence, at least from 1940 until Nuremberg began. Hitler had a soft spot for him, but remember Todt and you see Hitler may have feared Goering, too. The Luftwaffe was perhaps the most corrupt military organization conceivable; under Goering's command, at least 2 Luftwaffe heads committed suicide. The man embarrassed Germany on many an occasion (Herr Meyer, shooting a bison for refugees, etc.), and we're not even talking abotu the Reichstag trial!!! A competent, handsome, brilliant flying ace from the First World War, Goering became a depressive, self-defeated bourgeois gamesman when a tough leader with organizational capacity was required.

4. Abuses in the KZ system: Many would be anti-Stalin converts, as well as many innocent children, women, and men were murdered - this created terrorist and partisan armies otherwise non-existent, and sapped a materially sore Germany of vital resources that could have been better spent fighting enemy soldiers and not civiliians. The dynamics of the Holocaust are tough to unravel, but in general terms, politically disastrous inhumanity, inefficiency, and corruption exacerbated a "5th column" that would not have been, otherwise, so dangerous, perhaps.

3. British and Allied Terror Bombing: There were certain rules of warfare that Hitler would not stoop so low as to disobey, until the enemy had forced him into terror reprisals. This gave Britain the political propaganda to murder perhaps a million Germans and European civiliians in the Air War. Goering's incompetence left the Reich unprotected, and Major Harris and company commited a Holocaust of their own to achieve victory over the Third Reich. Chronologically speaking, the air Holocaust preceded Barbarossa and the Einsatzgruppen in Soviet Russia.

2. Martin Bormann/Soviet Intelligence: "Werther", Rote Kapelle, perhaps even Gestapo Muller were working for "Uncle Joe". Bormann was instrumental in detailing precise military figures, numbers, names, and movements to Stalin within 24 hours of Hitler's conferences, up until 20 July 1944; by then, Bormann's dispatches had done a mountainous job of aiding in the German defeat at Stalingrad, and forced the Germans onto the defensive - interestingly enough, after Bormann's messages stopped, the last-ditched Western offensive, the Ardennes offensive, happened. Too little too late. Hitler had spies all around him - not just the General Staff, but intelligence chief Canaris, effective No. 2 Bormann (Goering was busy playing Emperor), possibly even the head of the Gestapo itself ... and Hitler suspected virtually no one until 20 July! Stalin, meanwhile, suspected everyone, brutally mass murdered his most loyal leaders time and again, and was conspiracy free. Stalin was a brutal, psychotic cynic, and Hitler was an brutal, idealistic, naive artistic genius. Stalin and Major Harris' ways won out. Hitler had no good deep penetration intelligence agents in Soviet Russia, and Stalin had a field day on Hitler.

1. Winston Churchill/Zionists: Churchill, who in 1920 had written a famous article examining the conspiratorial elements of world Jewry, and investigated the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, eventually fell into huge gambling debts, and Bernard Baruch and other Zionists basically bought Churchill. They put him in power, having sabotaged Chamberlain's Herculean efforts at peace, and through their leverage on him caused a relatively minor European conflict (the German invasion of Poland) to boil over into a World War of unprecedented suffering. The mass-murdering terror-bombing of German and European civillians sparked a new level in humankind's depravity, only to be outclassed by the Holocaust and Hiroshima and Nagasaki to follow. Eastern Europe became enslaved by Stalin, including parts of Central Europe (and East Germany itself, of course), as well as led to the creation of the Zionist State of Israel (defended by Soviet- Czekoslovak- arms) in 1948. England was offered relatively modest peace proposals time after time by Hitler, but the Weizmanns, Baurchs, Morgenthaus, Benes, and other mass-murderers were bent upon the destruction of Europe and Germany, to their personal gain. The State of Israel, the Palestinian conflict (they were thrown out of their homes when Israel became a state ... that tends to breed vengeance), the Nuclear Arms Race, and the Cold War - not to mention untold victims of Stalin in territory that became Soviet booty during the War - are all part of Churchill and the Zionists and Communists who backed him - all part of their legacy.