
Mori Tofu - aseptically packaged for longer shelf life. Great to always have on hand! I wait for sales and buy it by the case


Tofu has been a protein staple in Asia for over 2,000 years. It is also known as bean curd, and can be found at most grocery stores. Fresh tofu can usually be found in Asian markets and health food stores, but you may have to ask for it as the tub may not be marked.

Tofu is made from soybeans. The beans are soaked overnight, rinsed, and ground into a slightly gritty or sandy paste. The paste is added to boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes to produce soymilk. This soymilk is then strained with cheesecloth to get rid of the pulp. The next part of the process is similar to making cheese from milk; the soymilk is curdled forming curds and whey. The curds are then pressed into a mold and all excess liquid is removed.

Tofu must be stored in liquid, unless it is aseptically sealed. If you open a package and aren't using it all at once, add fresh water to the package or a bowl and make sure the tofu is completely covered. I try to use it within a few days, but it should last up to a week. 'Bad' tofu has an obvious bad smell. Normally, tofu doesn't have a smell, or much of a taste.

One of the reasons people don't like tofu is because they have had it improperly prepared and find it tasteless, bland and boring. Tofu need to be heavily seasoned, and often marinated. I like chopping it into little pieces and coating it with a oil/seasoning (garlic/italian seasoning/seasoning spice/pepper) and then baking it on a cookie sheet for 20 minutes (at 350oF - stir often).


1/4 lb of Tofu contains:
























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