Cellist Paul Olefsky matriculated from the classes of legendary greats Feuermann, Piatigorsky ,and Primrose. His graduate studies were with Casals in France; Von Karajan at the Mozarteum in Austria; and Monteux. Mr. Olefsky was awarded the first prize of the prestigious Namburg and Michaels Memorial International Solo Competitions. The United States Government awarded him the Civilian Service Award.

Mr. Olefsky was the youngest principal cellist of the Philadelphia Orchestra. He appeared as soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra in Carnegie Hall (Ormandy); Detroit Symphony (Paray); Chicago Symphony; Oxford, England Pro Musica; English Chamber Orchestra; Oslo Philharmonic (Kondrashin); etc. His international broadcast credits include: USA-ABC; CBS; NBC; Voice of America; England (BBC); Radio Brazil (Villa-Lobos Festival); NHK Japan; etc.

Mr. Olefsky appeared numerous times in Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center as cellist/conductor. He has collaborated with such composers as Ginastera; Kodaly; Milhaud; Shapliegh; Thomson; Tcherepnin; etc. He has been the director of the Casals Festival/Zermatt, Switzerland; the Oxford Pro Musica festival, England; Mozart Festival of Washington D.C.; Amatius International Festival. Mr. Olefsky's recordings include concertos with the English Chamber Orchestra as conductor/cellist for Amatius Classics; the Amatius Orchestra of New York; cycles by Beethoven; Brahms; Grieg; Boccherini; Kodaly; Rachmaninov; Schubert; Tcherepnin; Tchaikovsky; Vivaldi; etc. on the labels of Amatius Classics; Monitor; Musical Heritage Society; Voice of America; Vox; and Americus Records.

Professor Olefsky's alumni fufill key positions as cellists and conductors at prominent universities and orchestras worldwide. He has given master classes (videotaped) and festivals around the globe. Mr. Olefsky holds a senior professorship at the University of Texas at Austin, USA. He is married to the brilliant Chinese cellist, Hai Zheng. Music critiques of leading performing centers proclaim that Paul Olefsky is amongst the most eminent of world class artists; and to his unlimited scope as conductor.

~taken from Brahms Piano Trio insert~


SOON TO BE RELEASED...Bach suites for solo cello plus the Chaccone from violin.

Beethoven: The Complete Works for Cello and Piano. Avaliable through Americus Records: email to:

Boccherini and Vivaldi Concertos with the English Chamber Orchestra. Available through Amatius Classics cremona sound.

Johannes Brahms Four Piano Trios: The Olewsky Trio. Available through Amatius Classics.

Julian Olevsky,violin; Paul Olefsky,cello; Estela Kersenbaum Olevsky,Piano

Complete Tchaikovsky and Tcherepnin Premiere: cellist, Hai Zheng; Conductor/cellist, Paul Olefsky. Available through Amatius Classics.

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