mY fRiEnEs' pAgEs:

Jeff Chan, one of my best friends in CUHK!
Jacky Hui, do you have any way to pull down his weight? Tell him!
Peter Yeung, a boy who has an artistic sense which makes many things around him beautiful.
Richard Li, he may suddenly call his friends to go out for killing time at the mid of night.
Tom Tong, the chairman of our fellowship.
Thomas Ma, a gentle but clever man.

oThEr iNtErEsTiNg sItEs:

The Fellowship of Evangelical Students, CUHK.
基 督 教 電 子 傳 播 中 心 Christian Electronic Information Services.

The WWW Virtual Library.

Read Smart
Modern Chinese 簡體字書網上訂閱

Hong Kong Standard Information.
Hong Kong Internet Directory.
Hong Kong News Stand.
100% Hong Kong Stuff.

The Warner's Pathfinder Network.
National Geographic.
The Bible Code.
