Admission requirements / Tuition cost

Admission Requirements: Applicants must complete and send the BCI/OI's Application Registration Form and fee ($50USD), a recent picture and a cassette or video tape with an aria or art song of choice. Students applying for the Regular School's Semester, need to include a sealed letter of reference from the actual or former teacher, with a description of the student's vocal studies, attendance and responsibility towards studies. (Not applicable to Beginners).

Regular students are also required to submit a letter addressed to the BCI/OI's Director with their intentions, expectations as well as goals and achievement's plans. Any further information will be appreciated. This letter as well as all information provided by the students are strictly confidential and remain under the BCI Director's permanent files.

Students coming for the Summer School only, depending on country of origin may not need a visa. The School will assist attending students with their accommodation needs by providing their accommodation preference to a local real estate agent. Shared accommodation is recommended since it will help reduce rental and living expenses. BCI/OI provides the accommodation contact only as a compliment to the students in order to save them the time and expense of finding accommodation in a new place.

The tuition fees for the BCI Semester (September 2 - May 15)is $9600USD.
The tuition fees for the BCI/OI Summer Program(July 5 - 31)is $2200USD. Request payment plan.
Teacher's Summer Program $2500 USD.



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