The Italian Vocal Method
The Italian Method has been proved to provide with the best technical basis for the development of an opera singer's voice. There are not many people in the world today that can truly acknowledge that they teach this method, learned in Italy, from Italian teachers under the influence and education of the Italian operatic tradition. The basis for the Italian Method of BEL CANTO, are very simple to understand, its implementation and adaptation to the body and control are the difficult phases, but mostly the way it is taught. Technically, the method searches for the balance of three basic elements: RING OF THE VOICE OR SQUILLO (the homogeneity of the ringing voice throughout the singer's register), SUPPORT OR APPOGGIO (the acquisition of breath control) and a conscious awareness of RESONANZA (Resonance) in order to bring out the most beautiful aspects of the human singing voice. The careful training of the voice in this fashion, and the implementation and control of its elements is what makes Bel Canto.

It is in the way that this methodology is applied that "the secret" to the successful vocal technical Achievement rest.
The control of balance between this three elements complete the technical training for the opera singer. Thereafter, the following stage is the application of this technical control to music, under the influence of tradition. The Italian Method has been labelled in many ways, for reasons of compromise, of convenience, as well as for ignorance. Titles such as the "the International Method", etc., these are just labels need it to sell a product, a program, or a particular subject..

In the book THE ARCHITECTURE OF SINGING, Carlos Della Mora cover all aspects of the Italian Method taught by his Italian teachers as well as it own experience, as a student first ,as a singer, as a voice teacher, and the teaching of teachers as well.


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