My Celtic Page



Since I am partly of Scots descent and I have a particular love of the Irish people ( the ones I know, of course) -and the ones I meet - and those I read of. Oh well, you'll let me by with saying I love the Irish and be done with it,won't you? As I was saying, (since all of the above ) this page of Celtic sights, sounds, and feeling is my small tribute to these people, the Scots and the Irish.


What causes a persons affinity for certain cultural groups or nations? Besides heritage, is it a harmony with their own background or personality? Perhaps so, but I think my own attraction to the Irish people and their culture is strongly influenced by the positive influence of two families during my growing-up years. My cousins, the Gintys, with their joyful enthusiasm, non-stop energies,and welcoming home, always grace my memory.The warmth and good times with my Aunt Shirley, Uncle John, and their brood of nine is a great treasure.The other family was Dr. and Mrs.Henry Hughes' home with fifteen children (see my group isn't so amazing). I stayed my senior year in their home. Not all the older ones were there at that time, but we surrounded a table of mythical proportions! Sometimes, I joke now about the large family rubbing off on me (only a half-joke).The Irish humor and camaraderie was alive in that home and I can never recall them without thinking of Dr. Hughes as one of the best of men and Mrs. Hughes as one of the dearest of women.




Saint Patrick's story should be better known . Here was a Christian life with the vigor and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. At a young age he was kidnapped and enslaved during which time he developed in his faith in God. After escaping his Irish masters, he began a vocation in the church eventually ending up as an apostle to the entire island of Ireland. It truly is a thrilling account to read.

Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick's Mission

Breastplate Hymn

Hymn Midi

Eire pictures


We made our annual trek to the Dublin, Ohio Irish festival which is held in August and had a great time! I finally discovered what kind of dancing my husband is good at: the Irish jig. Yes! We participated in the world's largest Irish jig -last year it was the largest ceili. At our particular area the band jumped the gun and had us jig too early; so we got to dance twice. I was a little winded, and there was an older gentleman that put us all to shame, but now my husband wants to practice up for next year. A new aerobic exercise program...ha! There were many exhibitions of Irish crafts and history, and they even had fireworks. Also, if you've never seen an Irish wolfhound up close, you've missed something. The other Irish breeds were represented, but one doesn't overlook the wolfhound, and they seem so mild-tempered. If I didn't have so many children and two large dogs already, I'd want one. There is a limit to everything, though, you know.

For those with poetry in their soul,look at the Celtic poetry page

My next planned outing is a Highland Games at a Renaissance festival; these festivals are a wonderful opportunity for children to learn some history and geographical education without even trying. They just think they're having fun.
...Weather didn't allow-maybe next year! However, I do have my new Scot Connection Page for those interested in The MacDougall and MacDonald clans. It is new, and more will come.

Travel on to the Scots page next

Celtic Jokes!

Or you could travel on to the Celtic Webrings page.

Thanks to Silas for some of the photographs

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