Name: Margaret Tudor Stewart Douglas Stewart

Position: Queen of Scotland

Alias: Queen Mags; The Scottish She-Goat; Maggie, She-Wolf of the Regiment

Nationality: English by birth, Scottish by the Grace of God

Date of Birth: 29 Nov 1489

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius with Virgo rising

Place of Birth: Greenwich, England

Height: 5'9

Weight: None o' yer business!

Hair Colour: Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue-gray

Children: James V King of Scotland, Alexander Duke of Ross, Margaret Countess of Lennox

Favorite Sport: Scotsmen

Favorite song: Scotland Ueber Alles

What do you like to do in your spare time: Play golf, toss cabers, drink Scotch, annoy King Henry of England.

Favorite food: Haggis

Favorite Colour: Plaid

Favorite Member(s) of Court:

Queen Anne of England. She makes a fabulous gin elixir she calls a "Martinez" (and the Boleyns have always been snappy dressers).

Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset. I cannae understand why people hate him. He's a lovely dinner companion, e'en though he cannae stomach haggis.

Crown Prince Hapnick of Carpania. Henry gave him to me for my birthday!

Lady Monica Murray, Viscountess of Roxburgh. Terrific dancer. Sparkling personality. Tremendous wit. Absolute genius. Need I say more?

Favorite thing about being in Court: I get to make my wee baby brother Henry go mad, an' he cannae do a thing aboot it!

If you were a fabric, what kind of fabric would you be?: Black velvet...or burlap. Depends on me mood.

Castles in Scotland and Scottish Historic Houses