Name: Edward Seymour

Position: Duke of Somerset, Earl Marshall of the Realm, Viscount Beauchamp

Alias: Fast Eddie Seymour

Nationality: English

Date of Birth: 21 May 1491

Astrological Sign: Gemini/Taurus cusp with Scorpio rising

Place of Birth: London, England

Height: 6'1

Weight: 200

Hair Colour: Brown

Eye Colour: Gold...like a cat. Or a snake.

Children: None legitimate, I'll warrant!

Favorite Sport: Stalking Queen Anne, plotting political demises of lesser mortals, encouraging Queen Margaret into goad King Henry into a black, blithering rage.

Favorite song: My Love is a Prick (on a Tudor Rose)

What do you like to do in your spare time: The same thing I do every night: TRY TO TAKE OVER THE REALM!!!

Favorite food: Steak and kidney pie with mashed spuds

Favorite Colour: Purple. I'll look smashing in it!

Favorite Member(s) of Court:

Edward Seymour. Witty, charming, brilliant beyond words.

Favorite thing about being in Court: The "Potential" that it holds for me.

If you were a fabric, what kind of fabric would you be?: Purple brocade with lots of shiny diamonds.