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Hi, friends! Here are more pictures of my animals.... This is Foxette, my 12 year old Pekingese. Her alias is "Tsai Tsai" meaning Little Son in Chinese. Tsai Tsai immigrated with us from Hong Kong to Canada 8 years ago. She has been an old faithful dog, and is good friends with the other cats. Unfortunately, since she is the only dog in the household, she is suffering from an identity crisis - she thinks that she is a cat more than a dog ...

And here is Mr. Monty, our oldest cat. He came from the Jean Talon S.P.C.A. in Montreal. My fiance adopted him 14 years ago, and they have been the best of friends. Monty has special interests - these include: howling at boots and shoes at midnight, peeing at corners of the house, and playing with drinking straws. He particularly likes fish. He always responds with an assertive meow whenever we ask him "Monty, FISH??". His nick name is "Poo Poo".

This picture was taken many years ago when Poo Poo was young. He was willing to pose for this picture in the drier because my fiance put in a jar of FISH to entice him. What a FISH!! Doesn't FISH look like Bat-Man??

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