Welcome to my
Midi Page!
My Apologies....
In the meantime, I'm terribly busy with my schoolwork. Almost no MIDI is produced for months by me!
Yet I'll promise my dear visitors that I'll do some update for this page REAL SOON!

Thanks for your kind support! Why not see my other sites as well?

Other Pages by Me

If not, Scroll down and HAVE FUN!!!

This sites includes many of my composition in MIDI formats.
Probably most of them are my own finished pieces.
ENJOY, and Click on the Dancing Notes!

My Debut......  My Favourites......not by me! 
Some Crazy Works......  Other Links... 
Some Formal Works.......  Sign on my Guestbook! 
Something Not by Me but Arranged by Me......  Links to my pages. 
Enjoy yourself HERE!!!  :-)  

My Debut......
The First Piece of Music I've Ever Written.
The title says everything! This piano piece is dedicated for my friend's birthday.
 To the Contents

Some Crazy Works......
A Childish Piece 
First, there are Bach's invention-like counterpoint, but than the parallel fifths and intervals of minor 9th flushes out!

Eighteen Five (18:05)
The title is the time of composition. There are several intended strange harmonies. The recuring G, D, A, Es on right-hand part  is reserved for open strings for violin, but it is played by the piano here.

Music on a Fax Sheet
This piece is dedicated to another friend's birthday. It is simple at first. Some parts are calculated by the calculator. There's a short passage of variation on Beethoven's No.5 symphony's Finale. Also, the theme of Beethoven's Symphony No.5's first movement (my friend likes Beethoven), and the theme of the musical Phantom of the Opera (I like it!) were used. It is the most carefully planned piece I've ever written!

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Some Formal Works.......
Songs for Innocence
The clarinet part is intended for a soprano, who sings the sweet poems by William Blake. It is my first attempt in writing songs, that is voice with piano. (It's a pity that I cannot control the balance between the piano and clarinet part in MIDI. Very sorry!)
 Linking Passage 1
The Shepherd
The bass clarinet part is intended for a tenor. A recorder part is added, represents the shepherd. It sounds more classical, I think.
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Something Not by Me but Arranged by Me...... 
Angel of music - From The Phantom of the Opera On Ice
This is an arrange of a song from the above musical by Italian Composer Roberto Danova. Same as before, the clarinet represents the voice part (tenor).

Song for My Love -- Adapted from an Aria by Mozart in Opera Zaide
This is a piano solo arrangement for Mozart's aria. I have fitted some hair-raising lyrics, which I'm not going to post it here!

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 My Favourites......not by me! 
 Suite for string orchestra in G minor, Op.2, Sixth movement by Sammy Lee
 ER's Theme on  ER Live Page
 Phantom of the Opera on  Patience Fung's Cyber Music Page
 Friends' Theme from one of the Friends' Page (Sorry, URL forgotten!!!)
and lots more!
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Other Links... 
Sammy Lee's Original MIDI Page 
This link links to Sammy Lee's Original MIDI Page. Extraordinary music written by an extraordinarily talented and young composer!

Anyone who want to add a URL here, please mail to me or leave it in my guestbook!

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I will add more midis if I compose more. There are several links for other original MIDI pages, which I will add in some later.
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have been HERE! Countless thanks to All!

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PhantomHK Page
Music on a Fax Sheet.
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