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The Story of Hanali

I am Hanali, an elven were bear and Practitioner of white magic, the healing and protective arts in this world of Chaos and death. I am a friendly and helpful person, albeit my heart is wracked with vengeance and destruction. For I am the last of my clan, The rest destroyed by an army of Faceless Humans, known only to me by the Staff and Stiletto banner they left littered among the Destroyed Village. I alone survived, left for dead, My animal sides magical regenerative properties saved me. For many days I traveled, as the physical scars healed, the mental ones stay with me forever, the days began turning into weeks, then running into months as I scoured the lands for the Murderous villains. All the while I trained in the two weapons they had left in my minds eye, The staff and Stiletto, I would master those two weapons and defeat them with nothing else. One day, I awoke to find the stars had changed, I was alone in a new land, a new world, a new dimension. Some how during my sleep a Dimensional portal had swallowed me and brought me here. I soon found from the many inhabitants, that it was the realm of Illusia, a new world, still young, wild, and plagued with many strange new creatures. Would this be where I was to find the Pillager of my lost clan? Would I find new enemies? or was I totally lost? So many new questions...... So little answers...... I hunted and searched this new realm, building my strength and getting my bearings, Until A strange fellow approached me and offered his services as guide to this new realm. We hunted together, shared stories, food, wine and many a long night of Sleepless conversation. I found that he, as was I a were bear, a fellow shape shifter, A kindred soul. Not long after I was welcomed into the fold and Became LLHanali, and given the duty and Honor of recording the Legacy's deeds and many Heroic tales in the land of Illusia. But do not think I will ever stop seeking those who wronged my Clan, or those who wrong my New family. By the way the strange fellow who approached me was LLBane, if you see him or I in Illusia and your intentions are friendly, Then you may always feel free to hunt with us

written by NShade



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