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The PinWiz Picks

My own personal web design hotlist


Beginning HTML

HTML with Style
- "The HTML with Style Tutorials will teach you HTML and CSS, from scratch, the Right Way."

Create It ~ 101
- "Step by step homepage creation. Basic HTML is not hard to learn. You could make your first web page right after reading this guide. "

jimhanson's "HTML Spoken Here"
- "Want your own Web site? Whether it's a vanity thing, a desire to share knowledge, or to promote a business venture, if you can use a word processor, you can create your own personal Web site. "

HTML Help's Home Page
- "The "HOME PAGE" Home Page - Get the most out of HTML and GeoCities home page editors!"

- "getting set up to do your 1st web page" - specific to Geocities, but useful to anyone. By my friend Angelblueyes

- Quick, direct answers to questions like, "How do I get a web page?", "How do I put a link on my page?" and so on.

How To make Your Own Web Page
- By My friend Ertugrul Kasaci in Istanbul, Turkey
- "It is not as hard as it seems...After all... I...(a welding engineer) have learned how to get on with it..."
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Web Page/Site Design

Heartland University
- "Heartland University was founded in March of 1998 by a group of Heartland Community Leaders. Heartland University offers courses to all of the GeoCities community free of charge."

Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi
- "A comprehensive guide to writing web sites. Whether you're a beginner or a design professional, you'll find what you need here; quickly and clearly."

The Golden Sections
- "All we need are just an eye for proportions, something worth saying, and common-sense."

Composing Good HTML
- "A useful resource for HTML authors (and now Web designers) who want a slightly more sophisticated treatment of the stylistic issues involved in, well, weaving your web."
- "From browsing to authoring, HTML to advanced site design, we'll keep you in touch and informed. "

Web Wizard's World
- "Guide to Designing a Great Web Page - Designing a good web page takes three basic talents...creativity, common sense and technical knowledge. If you want to have a site that people bookmark, one that you can be proud of, you have to make the commitment to learn the basics. "

Creating Killer Web Sites
- "packed full of updated information on designing for 4.0 browsers, the latest design solutions from the top web design firms in the country, and new HTML tips and tricks."

Hotwired: Webmonkey
- "A How-to Guide for Web Developers"
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Graphics Resources

Draac's Free Gifs 123
- "Vast quantities of animated Gifs, Jpegs, MIDI and WAV files."

HTML Resources
- "Includes designs of backgrounds, directional buttons, banners, religious buttons, and a section for baby names and buttons."

Roxanne's Grafix Gallery
- "Graphics - Border Sets - Border Backgrounds - Button Sets - Buttons - Tiles - Lines - Banners - Bullets - Alphabets - Fonts - Decorative Typefaces"

MU64U's Musical Graphics

Cowgirl's GeoIcons
- "GeoIcons for Required Links"

Chozen's Graphics
- "Christian Graphics and more."

Arlene's Place - Graphics For You
- "FREE Graphics - Border Background Help - Angel Collection - Christmas Pages - Color Chart - Midi help - Links"

Dwane's Archive of Netscape-Type Backgrounds
- "Helpful in providing a visual indication of the effects various textures and colors can have on a Web page."

~t-bear's~© Backgrounds, Pics, Gifs & More
- "Links to backgrounds, gifs, pics, MIDIs, icon makers and lots more."

- "I have a lot of fun making all this stuff. I like to make backgrounds and all sorts of graphics to go with them. OK, the price is right (FREE) so grab your shopping bag and come on in!"

MacDaddy's Background Sampler!
- "Over 110 Backgrounds!"

Texture Land
- "196 textures that you can use in web pages, 3D modelling, VRML, for wallpaper, or anything else you can think of!"

Emmerald's Place - Free Backgrounds
- "All the backgrounds are border backgrounds and grouped according to style. Each group consists of 5 - 8 different backgrounds to choose from. I hope you find something you like!"

Graphics by Yo
- "Original coordinated sets for your webpage including headings, backgrounds, buttons, bars, and bullets. Some background tiles, too. - P.S. They're free."

- "This file will allow you to select different background colors to see how text of other colors will appear on that background. Most browsers will allow you to use either the NAME of the desired color or the HEX value for the color. The following table lists the color names that match their HEX value."

Media Builder
- Fonts and Online Font Tools - Online Image Tools - Image Files

3D Logo Generator
- "Input your favorite text and hit the "Generate" button, then it will generate a 3d text image. "

The Banner Generator
- "A free service to let you create graphical banners."
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Script Sources

- "The Largest Java Script Repository on the World Wide Web"

Java Web Spigots
- Home of the Lake Applet and other useful Java appelets.

Matt's Script Archive
- Free CGI Scripts for the Web Community
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Copyright Information

10 Big Myths about copyright explained
- "An attempt to answer common myths about copyright seen on the net and cover issues related to copyright and USENET/Internet publication."

Copyright & Fair Use
- Stanford University Libraries
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Website Promotion

Virtual Promote
- "Web Site Promotion: It isn't just a job. It's an adventure! "

Sitelaunch - Launch Your Site Into Orbit!
- "Simple, effective ways to help you get the word out"
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General Interest

Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
- "FOLDOC is a searchable dictionary of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards, mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions, companies, projects, products, history, in fact anything to do with computing. "
- "A quick guide to the best stuff on the Internet."

Yahoo's 25 Most Incredibly Useful Sites
- "Learn Everything - Check Before You Buy - Track Your Packages - Get Your Tax Facts - Unclog Your Drain - Find the Closest ATM - Fix Your Own Cable TV - Look Up Anything -Find That Zip Code - Pick a Cultural Event - Search All Newsgroups - Track Down Any FAQ - Get the Best Air Fare - Update Your Browser - Do Your Own Legal Papers - Find the Best Hospital - Find Out What's Online - Get Passport Help - Hear Your Newspaper - Estimate College Costs - Avoid Speed Traps - Get Movie Seats - Find Anyone - Keep Track of Your URLs - Ask Any Question"

Say Hello to the World
- "If you wanted to say hello to everybody in the world, how many languages would you have to learn? You would have to learn at least 2,796 languages! That's a lot of work, so let's get started!"

Searching the Internet for a Certain MIDI File
- Examples of how to do a narrow search for MIDI files on many different search engines - easily adaptable to other types of files.

- More information than you will ever need - a must see.

- "The one-stop resource center of FREE stuff! Free Banners, Message Boards, Counters, Guestbooks, Fonts, Mailing Lists, Autoresponders, Domains, Graphics and more"

- "Windows Users Group Network - Your Complete Resource Center for Top-Quality Shareware, Windows Tips, Support...and much more."

Virtual Labs
- "Test Your Y2K Compliance - Does your computer have the Y2K bug? Will your system evaporate into a time warp on 1/1/00? Find out if your Windows system is afflicted and see how other systems did."

- "Does Your Browser Make Your Email Address Available To Sites You Visit?" - Find out here.

The Elements of Style
- by William Strunk, Jr. - How to write in good English style - a must read for good prose composition.

AT&T's AnyWho Directories
- "In addition to information published in white pages telephone directories, AnyWho also lists e-mail addresses, home page URLs, FAX numbers, and toll-free numbers supplied by individuals and businesses. There is a reverse look-up feature too, find individuals from phone numbers."
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Other Pages Like This One

~t-bear's~© HTML Help Page
- "Here are some links to homepage help."

Heaven Sent Goodies
- "A-Z Links & Free Stuff - Music * Backgrounds * Graphics - Simple Web Page How To's & Tools." Another page from Angelblueyes.

HTML Notepad's HTML References
- Links to pages about Html - where it came from - where it's going - specifications and proposals.

- "One of the Internet's most popular stops for information on HTML and other mark-up languages."

Chuck's Bookmarks
- Another huge page of links - the webpage stuff is about halfway down - lots of general interest stuff too.
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From the day I first decided to build a web site, I have been collecting this list of useful sites. These are the places I go to when I need information or images.

I often get asked for help on information about building pages, linking pages into and between sites, linking sounds and graphics, and general web topics.

I also get a lot of requests for help with pages and other things, which often leads to a more personal involvement on my part. Now, I really don't mind helping others, and I even enjoy helping someone who makes a sincere effort to learn, but obviously I can't help even a small fraction of the population of the Web.

So I decided to make this page to help everybody that stops by find all the information they need to:

Many of these sites cover far more than just the topic specified, many also have lots of good links, or even pages like this one.

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Last update May 12, 2001

© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Bill the PinWiz

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