Michael Jackson

I like Michael Jackson. Not that I know too much about him, I know only that I could read in his book and I could see on his videos. That is not too much.
I know that he can dance, I know that he can sing and many people go crazy when he walks up on stage, grabs a microphone -and some other stuff :)- and starts his performance. Oh, yes, I shouldn't forget, I know, he is an amazing performer.
I usually read everything that I can about him, but I treat the newspaper-crap with really lifted eyebrows. You never know what are this newsmongers are composing, just to sell a paper. (And we are talking about recycling...)
The gossip is really not my line and for me the most interesting parts of Michael Jackson are his music and performance. If I'd know him as a person, this would be of course different. But, I never know... Maybe one day I'll play some music with him... :)

If you feel like taking the pictures from this page, please go ahead. I am not an envious person and if I make you happy with this pix, well, kudos for me! :)

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