Here Is the Taylor Photo Album

(Last Updated: September 2003)

At the console of the 76-rank Aeolian-Skinner Organ of the First United Methodist Church, Beaumont, Texas

The Taylor family's Texas home.
The great room entrance to the home.

Practicing before a concert on the Harrison and Harrison console of the famous Father Willis organ in the Salisbury Cathedral.

JoAnne and Keith, with the River Thames and the Houses of Parliament in the background.

Good old Stonehenge on a cold, raining English morning.

The favorite pub in Winchester for having lunch.
At the console of the Totterdown Methodist Church in Bristol.
The perfect child, Rachel.  She is the only grandchild of the Taylors.
Grady and Rachel Rachel with her Daddy, Grady.
Allen Baston, one of the finest musicians in the world and the best friend anyone could ever have.
The family with Santa While in Atlanta, the family visits with Santa.
In Memoriam to a wonderful companion

Miss Kitt D. Katt