Welcome to our web page!

(Looking for Italian Greyhound Rescue of Western Pennsylvania/Northeast Ohio? Click here!)

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Please allow us to introduce ourselves!

I'm on the left, my name is Don Vito Corleone Carducci,
but you can just call me Vito.
I'll also answer to Bee Bee, Small Fry, Stinger, Beastie and Fido. The last one was given to my by the two little girls who live behind us; they think that's my name, and mom gets a kick out of it -- the great Don Vito Corelone Carducci, reduced to the adorable "dog" name of Fido. Mom says I'm named after the Godfather because: 1) I'm an Italian Greyhound, and 2) I made her an offer she couldn't refuse.

And on the right, I'm Bowie Carducci, named after the great David. You can call me Bo for short! I am a rescue boy and Vito's younger brother. I also answer to Bobo, Bubbles, Pony or Wiggleboy. I earned that last nickname because when I get excited (which is ALL the time) I just can't help myself and my whole body wiggles along with my wagging tail!

Which of our pages would you like to see first?

peek_sm.gif (116760 bytes)  Vito and Bo's Journal  perch_sm.gif (24292 bytes)

ig.gif (5839 bytes) What kind of dogs are those?

We have a cat (and mom made us put her on our page!) catsm.jpg (4824 bytes)
littlesm.gif (5724 bytes)  In memory of Little
Our favorite links  links.gif (5368 bytes)

You can also send us mail!

See Vito as Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bo as Jar Jar Binks...

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This Down On The Farm Webring site is owned by
Vito and Bo.

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We are proud to be a recipient of the Petsburgh Farm Suburb Award! A big WOOF to Teri and all of the Petsburgh Farm Community Leaders for honoring our site! award.gif (24003 bytes)
spirit.jpg (17431 bytes) Thank you to the team at Spirit of Petsburgh for this Certificate of Appreciation! We were proud to have our site nominated in their December 2001 contest. Thanks again to everybody who voted for our site!

Since we moved our site on September 13, 2003, you are visitor number . Thanks for stopping by!