Hi there!
Welcome to my homepage here in Wellesley.
We are the community..for and about women. You will find lots of great homepages here in this neighborhood.
I've been a resident here in Wellesley for a year now.A week after Wellesley opened I decided to create the makings of WebWife at Wellesley.Since that time I joined the GeoCities Community Leader program, and for quite awhile played an active part in not only the Wellesley neighborhood, but also The Tropics hood. Here in our neighborhood, after some time, I went on to become Co-Liasion, and then later Liasion of Wellesley. Unfortunately because of so much time being spent on these projects, I ended up resigning from the CL program all together so I could further concentrate and have the time to put into my domain. I thank Geo., and all the wonderful CL's that are scattered about GeoCities....andddd, of course the homesteaders, whom, without them..GeoCities, would not exist!! Many thanks to the GeoStaff people, and the GEO-VOLUNTEERS :)) I would especailly like to thank Samantha/ from The Tropics, and my great friend and fellow CL.."Minnie"...:)) I have a great list of the Geogals here on my WebWife site...they are all great gals!!!! Maybe soon I can even add some more sites there as well. Ive missed out on mentioning alot of my buddies here, but that just goes to show you how many friends I have made here in GEOCITIES!!!!!! Please....if you can and have time visit my new domain. This site will remain here, and I hope to get some new things here pretty soon.....Until then though, please come by,sign the guestbook and say hi!!


I "used" to be one of those women that never touched the computer!!
In fact, my husband still says to this day that he knew one day..."I would get into it"....Well, I DID! Now I am an...

Internet Baglady!

I really was'nt much of a web surfer to begin with!! I tried several of the chat programs and picked my favoritemIRC and still frequent there when I can. I learned a lot and have to admit the programming that one can do in mIRC is as much fun as the chat!! I met a lot of people, still near and dear to me and for awhile we had a regular group that gathered on #40's_Frenzy, a channel that I created. It does still exist, however my time there has been limited due to my increased passion for HTML!! The channel is on Starlink, and Dalnet when I am on I go by the nick....Lstar43..

Guestbook by Lpage

I slowly started surfing the web a lot more, and found so much information, I seemed to be chatting less and surfing more!My latest passion, along with the HTML is now ~graphics~
links pic"for you to click on"..coffee cup.."for you to sip on"

If anyone is in need of a great ISP provider, I highly recommend Earthlink
I've been with them for two years now, and very satisfied!! They have a policy.. for anyone you refer.. you in turn receive a month of free service, so gal's, needless to say, I reveived my first six month's free!!Those savings we put toward a
phone pic
line for the computer!!
I can't imagine life without it now!!
If you would like to take a peek at my very first home here at Geocities, then drop by and seeTropical Texan!!and get a dose of that southern hospitality, tropical style!
In the meantime for some good information check out
The Web For WomenThis is a good computer related site to help wired women navigate the net!!
You can also tryAdvancing Womenor if you like magazines online then try, my favorite, which I receive through the snail mail, I like it so much Net Guide Magazine

have visited WebWife since March 27,1997!!Come again!

WebWife's Index

I Am A Proud Member Of:
Phenomenal Women Of The Web
email rain or shine

Page Design and WEBWIFE graphics;By Martie
1998 All Rights Reserved.