These are just some mermaids I found here and there.
My mermaid page was already full, and loading slow,
so I set up this gallery. When you are finished here,
visit my page Mermaids, Undines, and Sea Goddesses

Click images for larger views, take any images that you like.

This is a cross stitch from Mirabilia

These next items were on auction at Ebay . You can go to EBAY and type 'mermaid' into the search box, and it will give you a list of all mermaid items on auction. Usually 1000 + items, including the Little Mermaid. You need to register to bid though.

Click images for closer views.

This is an old lithograph, and 2 old postcards.

Left, these are Rose O'Neill Kewpies, from a postcard.
Now if you look close, you'll see a 'Mer-Kewp"
hanging off the side of the bucket!!
Right, She's not a mermaid, but she is a bathing cutie!

Here are more images.

Check back for more additions!

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