William Coleman Research Project


Abstract: Private William Coleman was a Confederate soldier who mustered in at the age of 32, on April 11, 1861 into the Sixth South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, 1st Company "A", by J.T. Walker. He was later joined in service by his brother John Kennedy Coleman, after transferring to Company "F" (at a yet unknown time). Fifty letters written by William and John document their career within the infantry, and the conditions faced by Southern soldiers.

Scope and Content Notes Notes about the history and contents of the Coleman letter collection
Biography of William Coleman
Biography of William Coleman, a soldier of the Sixth South Carolina Volunteer Infantry.
Letter Summaries
Summaries of the 50 letters from William and his brother John Coleman. Battle dates included in listing.
Regimental History of the Sixth South Carolina Volunteer Infantry
Regimental History
Regiment Assignment Timeline and Divisions
Battle Summaries
1st Company 'A' Roster
2nd Company 'F' Roster

Grape Shot Archival Page

Jennifer's Archival Homepage


The following pages are copyright of Jennifer (c) 2002 and the Pearce Civil War Collection -Navarro College, Corsicana Texas. All Rights Reserved, Content may be used with permission, images are not free for use.