13 Questions

Well, folks, sometimes you just have to go out on a limb and actually say or do something. So that is what I did! I got in touch with Guinevere. I felt really weird about it actually like I was invading space or something. I mean, what do you say without coming off like a complete idiot or psycho!? There is a fine line I suppose. But as it turns out, I got to ask Guinevere 13 questions which appear below. Let me say, first, that I am not a journalist, therefore the questions may come off as sophmoric. Bear with me.

butterflyMe- Birthplace?

GT- I was born in Boston Massachusetts.

butterflyMe- College attended/graduated from?

GT- I went to Sarah Lawrence College and graduated in 1990.

butterflyMe- East coast or west coast?

GT- I moved to L.A. last May, but I go back and forth at least once a month between here and NY.

butterflyMe- What year did you receive the Lamda Literary award for "go fish"? Specifics...

GT- I don't remember receiving the Lamda Award - I don' think there was a big ceremony or anything - maybe I'm just getting old and losing my memory.

butterflyMe- Current projects?

GT- Current projects: My script, American Psycho, is about to go into production, (I wrote in with director Mary Harron) Mary and I also wrote a script about Bettie Page which will go after Psycho, starring me, directed by her, I have a tiny role in a film called "Treasure Island" which is a very cool forties movie that all will see enxt year, another tiny role in Kevin SMith's Dogma, ummm, wheeling and dealing in LA to make a script deal with a studio, hopefully it will all happen soon and I can talk about it, audiitoning a lot, thinking about the script I want to write for me as soon as I make a little money and get out of debt - that's all I can think of for now but it feels like I'm doig a million things at once.

butterflyMe- Are you surprised when people recognize you on the street?

GT- People dont recognize me in the streets that often - people tend to stare at me and then say nothing, which is unnerving because I don't know if they recognize me or my hair looks crazy - people recognize me more for Taxicab COnfessions than anything else.

butterflyMe- Taxicab confessions? Did you just want to kick yourself the next day?

GT- Taxicab COnfessions - it's funny to me now, wasn't funny then. If you want to hear the whole story, look for an anthology called "Wild Girls". It's actually British, so I'm not sure if you can get it over here, but I wrote a story in it called "Cookie and Me" about the whole experience.

butterflyMe- There is a message on the board on the site from some guy that says, "He hates himself for being a guy for the first time in his life...over you." How often does that happen?

GT- I guess if guys hate themselves for being a guy around me, they don't always say it like that. I don't really understand men, though - I mean it seems like most guys would have sex with most women if the woman was lsightly attractive and willing. They don't really seem to discriminate very much and so when a guy comes on to me I am neither flattered nor are my feathers ruffled. Yeah, it happens. No one's gotten a sex change for me yet, though.

butterflyMe- Do you find it hard to meet people, women mainly, that are not intimidated by your success/achievements?

GT- I don't think most women are intimmidated by my "success". The hard part is just if they are overly impressed by it. I find it hard to meet women, period. I guess I've always been picky and I'm just getting pickier and pickier.

butterflyMe- Do you think people find you hard to approach?

GT- Hard to approach? Hmmm... well, probably. It's a fine art, the art of being in the public sphere and having people come up to you and say they like your work, or whatever. SOme people are very bad at it - they interrupt the conversation that you're having or they seem so overwhelmed by the fact that they got your attention that they are jsut a nervous wreck, which is just unsettling to be faced with. I try very hard to be nice to people that approach me because I really do love it when people know who I am, and when they appreciate the stuff that I've done. But I've been told that I come off snotty more often than not. I'm not snotty, actually, when people compliment me it brings out the weird shy 13 year old girl in me. Some times I just want ot get rid of the person because I am embarrased by the attention. I'm not complaining, though - I love to be loved.

butterflyMe- Are you dating anyone at this time?

GT- Yes, I am dating, but nothing big and serious as of yet.

butterflyMe- Cats or dogs?

GT- I am dating neither cats or dogs.

butterflyMe- How old is too young?

GT- Funny question because so many of the women that are my avid fans are young, too young for me to date. Too young is relative - I've met twenty year olds who seem fifty and 35 year olds who act like they need their diapers changed. I know it's boring of me to answer like that --well, ok, probably I oculd safely say that I wouldn't date anyone under 18, and realistically under 25, although life is full of wonderful exceptions.

Posted November 4, 1998