Founders' Day Celebration Planned

Delta Zeta's 98th annual Founders' Day will be celebrated by the Portland Alumnae Chapter with a luncheon at the Greenwood Inn on Saturday, Oct. 23rd in the Fir Room. Social time begins at 11:30AM with lunch at 12:00. Attendees may choose from two entrees, either slow roasted breast of Oregon turkey served on mashed potatoes with herbed turkey jus or Caesar salad with grilled chicken. Also included with the meal are rolls and butter, cookies or brownies, and fresh brewed regular coffee, decaf coffee and tea. Lunch, including gratuity, is $15, payable at the door. Please R.S.V.P. to Julie Kearney by Monday, Oct. 18th with your choice of entrée.

Our program will feature a video interview that Sandra Askelson and Sheila Hitchen collaborated on for Multnomah Cable Access. In the video, Sandra interviews Sheila about deafness. Also, the brand new Directory of names and addresses for the Portland Alumnae Chapter will be available.

The Greenwood Inn is located at 10700 SW Allen Blvd, Beaverton. From Hwy 26 (Sunset Highway) take Hwy 217 southbound. Take the Allen Blvd exit and turn left at the light. Cross over the highway and turn right into the Greenwood Inn parking lot. From Interstate 5 take Hwy 217 northbound. Take the Allen Blvd exit and turn right.

Get your Entertainment books and benefit Delta Zeta!

Online ordering now also available

Entertainment Books are now available! They are valid immediately and the price is still $40. They are good thru Nov. 1, 2000. If you are interested in purchasing one or more (they make GREAT gifts!), contact Kim Godar or make your purchase at the annual Founders' Day luncheon. Something new with Entertainment this year is the ability for people to go online and purchase books from anywhere in the world. To order your copies online, go to and enter our group's code, which is 140608. The books are shipped directly to the purchaser and our alumnae chapter gets credit!

Delta Zetas Participate in Race for the Cure

The DZ Portland Alumnae team crossed the finish line at the Komen Portland Race for the Cure on Sunday morning, September 19th at Waterfront Park. Team members were Kim Godar, Julie Kearney, Michelle Chan, Sandra Askelson, and Pat Spence. Proceeds from the race go to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. It was a lot of fun for a good cause! Let's see you out there next year!

This page last updated: September 20, 1999

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