Chat / Internet Buddies
Here are more pictures of "yours truly" with some of the many wonderful friends I've been lucky enough to meet face to face, after finding them on the WWW....
Some came to visit at my humble home, others invited me to their towns, while others met me in between !!

Me with Bill (ElectricSurf)
in San Francisco
March, 1998

Corky, Tim (Wipeout) and Me
Old Ironsides in Boston
September, 1997

Above: Sandy (aalexis), Cheryl (Wonder),
Tracie (Lonestar) and Me !!

right: Me, Mike (Founder of
ex-Lancs online) and Winchester, Pennsylvania, September, 1998
Please visit my online photo albums for pictures of the ex-Lancs gathering at Niagara Falls, May, 2000

above: Me with my very first,  longest-standing chat friend, Mike (chipster)

right: Kelley (Tears), Joel (Oasis), Me, Tara (Trouble99), Mark (Meddle) and Brian (Groovedog)
Indianapolis, February, 1999

Kelley and Joel were first introduced in a chat room, The Lava Lounge !

This is my dear chat friend, Jack, from Oldham, ( Lancashire) England, and his lovely bride, Carol.  They met online and he came to the USA to meet and marry her.  In a touching ceremony on 5/22/99, they became husband and wife. They are living happily ever after, in England !!!

Below, are three members of ChatZoo 50:
Yours Truly, Tracie (Lonestar) and Andrew (Slider).  Texas, 10/99

New Years come
and new years go,
But there's one thing
that you should know:

In times of laughter,
times of tears:
I am your friend,
I'm always near.

Despite the miles
and busy days,
Although we go
our separate ways:

As each new day
receives its start,
I'll harbor you
within my heart.

-- B. Naylor
   copyright 1997