The Water Carrier

January 21 to February 19

Aquarian Traits

Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual
On the dark side....

Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached


January 20-February 18

The most idealistic of signs, the typical
Aquarius woman is something of a law unto herself.
Ruled by the planet Uranus, which signifies independence,
freedom, humanism, and futuristic concepts,
it is not easy for her
to live comfortably in this world of empty outworn
social conventions which can sometimes be very limiting.
In her mind, the Aquarius woman is a seeker of truth and
a rebel against the grosser forms of human life like greed,
cruelty, discrimination and social systems that dehumanize
the individual. A champion of the underdog and
do-gooder for the weak and damaged, she looks at the world,
not in terms of how it is, but only as it should be.

She can be blind to all ideas but her own
and in this way, she can be very unbalanced.
When she is unbalanced, she is led away from
all the ideas and ideals
she wants to accomplish. However, one must bear in
mind that the Aquarius woman is an air sign and, like all
air signs, she tends to live in her head.
The danger of living too much in the head is that one can
become divorced from reality.

The Aquarius woman is often brilliant, insightful
and bursting with bubbles of great lucidity.
She is also often ahead of her time and mentally beyond
the social framework that surrounds her. The typical Aquarius
is not afraid of challenging the status quo, nor is she
overly concerned with being liked.

Living so much of her life in her head,
she can get out of touch with her deeper feelings.
She also needs a great deal of freedom
and space which can conflictwith the demands of a conventional relationship.

Humanitarian, unconventional, independent,friendly
and inventive. Progressive and ahead of their time
with a strong sense of fairness.
Intellectual and idealistic with an impartial sympathy to mankind.
Need to guard against a tendency to be unpredictable,
eccentric and rebellious and a know-it-all.

Aquarians are here to embrace their individual
uniqueness while simultaneously being a part of something
much larger than self
and to spread their progressive knowledge.

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