Our Big House is ~Dreams & Wishes by Nancy~

Come on in and take a tour Now this page will take a bit to load. Please be patience for it to load.You will be glad that you did. Thank you
But if you can not wait to see this load use my navigator

For those that don't have java may go here
Site Map

For those that don't have java may go here
Site Map

To see the places to go for my site. Just click on the different places on the house.
Like the windows, doors etc. You will see a tour of it all. Enjoy

Here is a quick way around if you don't want to click on the houses. But clicking on the rooms in the homes is fun!

In Nana's Attic you will learn some about me

Nana's Attic

Now to the homes of my children

The first house here is Paula's.
She is my oldest daughter
She has just started her own page. Click on the door to see her site

She lives in the home with her husband and 4 children one set is triplets

Here is Melanie's house.
There is no site for her yet either
She is my youngest daughter
She lives here with her husband and one daughter

For those that know me well this is my husband's house
not the dogs!!!!

This is my son's house, John.
You can go to his site by clicking on the house
He lives in his house with his wife and 3 children

Song playing "Yall Come"
