Welcome to

Tiny Treasures

This page is for all of the members of the Tiny Treasures mailing list!

It is where you will be able to view all current exchanges and new ones as they are added on. So don't forget to bookmark this page before you leave!

If you are not a member of the list, we would love to have you join us! You can do that by clicking on the link below. It's a wonderful place where you can make lots of new friends and have some great fun! Hope to see you there!

Click to subscribe to TinyTreasures

Below are the current exchanges. To join a particular exchange just click on the link and send the coordinator a message. He/she will then send you all of the information you need. If for some reason you do not hear back from the coordinator please write the list and let us know. These things happen sometimes. :o)


60's Items, Angels, ~Beads, ~Bears,~Birds ~Bookmarks, ~Butterflies, ~Bunny Items,~Care Packages, ~Cats, ~Children's Items, ~Coasters, ~Cows, ~DMC Floss, ~Dolphins and Whales, ~Elephants, ~Figurines, ~Flavored Coffee, ~Frogs, ~Greeting Cards, ~Hedge Hogs,~Hummingbirds, ~Key Chains,~Kitchen Towels, ~Local Cookbooks, ~Monthly Holiday Exchange, ~Nail Polish, ~NASCAR Items, ~New Quarters Exchange, ~Ornaments, ~Paperback Books, ~Picture Frames, ~Piggies, ~Refridgerator Magnets, ~Salt and Pepper Shakers, ~Santas, ~Scrapbooking, ~Scrunchies, ~Shot Glasses, ~Snowmen, ~State Magnets, ~Stationery, ~Stitchery Patterns, ~Sun Catchers, ~Tea, ~Teddy Bear Figurines, ~Themed Stickers, ~Towels, ~Yarn


Neetsey and Tiffany would like to say thank you to all the wonderful people on the Tiny Treasures mailing list for being a part of this terrific group. We appreciate everyone sticking with us through the recent changes and hope that you find that the list will be more exciting and fun than ever before! We would also like to take this time to invite you to join our other lists! What a better way to make new friends? Our other lists are as follows: CouponExpress, CraftBox, GotMail, Green_Gardens, PoohCorner, SpicnSpan, SpicnSpan_TIPS,TheReadingLoft, TisTheSeason, and Yummies. Hope to see you there! ~ Best Wishes, Neetsey and Tiffany