Y's Angel Page


Created 2/13/99

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Follow The Rainbow

Our children are a reflection of ourselves

A child's love is like a whisper, given in little ways we do not hear

but if you listen closely it will be very clear.

They often do not say it loud but in how they come to you...

Daddy will you play with me?

Mommy, tie my shoe?

...the many ways they tell you changes as they grow

Dad I made the team today!

Mom I've Got to go.!

Pop I need some money You see there's... this girl at school....

Mama I met a boy today and wow he is so cool...!

Dad I've got something to tell you... I think she is the one.

Mom, He asked me to marry him. Would you love him as your son?

Dad I've got some news for you... It's gonna be a boy!

Mom I'm kind of scared of this, yet I'm filled with joy!

A child's love is like a whisper, given in little ways we do not hear

but if you listen closely it will be very clear.

They often do not say it loud but in how they come to you...

Grandpa will you play with me?

Nana tie my shoe...

It is never ending.

A blessing from above

Listen to the whispers of a child's love.


~ There are hugs that say I like you and I hold your friendship dear.

There are hugs that say "good going" you deserve a great big cheer.

There are hugs that say goodbye, good luck in all that lies ahead.

There are hugs that say I love you when no other words are said.

There are hugs that soothe and say to us you're free from cares and harms.

The kind of hug we feel when God holds us within His arms.~


Did you hug your child today?

Grandchildren are the greatest of all Gods Blessings

Children make the stars TWINKLE...

and the sun shine

Wet Sneakers

He sneaks in through the back door, It's a game he'll often play

To pretend someone will notice, that he's late again today

He worries she might hear him, he worries she might see

Then he wonders who he's foolin', no one cares where he might be

He's only twelve years old, but he's already on his own

His moms hidden in a bottle from the bar, and his dads someone he's never known

He has lots of friends, he knows, but they have something he's not known yet

The way their parents worry on a rainy day, that their sneakers might get wet

He's never know that kind of love, brought on by a mom that's mad

And tells her children not to play in the rain, so they won't get sick and feel bad

He's already seen much to much, for a boy as young as he

He's already learned how to fend for himself, cause that's the way he had to be

He learned a hard lesson young, although the lesson wasn't fair

You can't find something, no matter how hard you look, if it wasn't ever there

It's strange how things we take for granted, are what others wish for , but can't get

Like a little boy wishing someone would care, if he gets his sneakers wet


Serenity Prayer


grant me the


to accept the things

I cannot change


to change the

things I can

and the


to know the difference

The little child whispered

"God, speak to me"

And a meadowlark sang

But the child did not hear.


So the child yelled

"God, speak to me!"

And the thunder rolled across the sky

But the child did not listen.


The child looked around and said

"God let me see you"

And a star shone bright

But the child did not notice


And the child shouted

"God show me a miracle!"

And a life was born

But the child did not know.


So the child cried out in despair

"Touch me God, and let me know you are here!"

Where upon God reached down

And touched the child.

But the child brushed the butterfly away

And walked away unknowingly.


. Anonymous .


Take time to listen.

Often times, the things we seek are right underneath our noses.

Don't miss out on your blessing because it isn't packaged the way that you expect.

Unfortunately in this world we live in

not all childhood memories are happy ones

For Children Who Were Broken

by Elia Wise

For Children Who Were Broken it is very hard to mend......

Our pain was rarely spoken and we hid the truth from friends.

Our parents said they loved us, but they didn't act that way.

They broke our hearts and stole our worth, with the things that they would say.

We wanted them to love us.

We didn't know what we did to make them yell at us and hit us,

and wish we weren't their kid.

They'd beat us up and scream at us and blame us for their lives.

Then they'd hold us close inside their arms and tell us confusing lies

of how they really loved us -- even though we were BAD,

and how it was OUR fault they hit us, OUR fault that they were mad.

When days were just beginning we sometimes prayed for them to end,

and when the pain kept coming, we learned to just pretend

that we were good and so were they

and this was just one of those days ...

tomorrow we'd be friends.

We had to believe it so. We had nowhere else to go.

Each day that we pretended, we replaced reality

with lies, or dreams, or angry schemes, in search of dignity ....

until our lies got bigger than the truth, and we had no one real to be

Our bodies were forsaken. With no safe place to hide,

we learned to stop hearing and feeling what they did to our outsides.

We tried to make them love us, till we hated ourselves instead,

and couldn't see a way out, and wished that they were dead.

We scared ourselves by thinking that, and scared ourselves to know,

that we were acting just like them -- and might ever more be so.

To be half the size of a grown-up and trapped inside their pain....

To every day lose everything with no savior or refrain...

To wonder how it is possible that God could so forget

the worthy child you knew you were, when you had not been damaged yet ...

To figure on your fingers that the years till you'd be grown

enough to leave the torment and survive away from home,

were more than you could count to, or more than you could bear,

was the reality we lived in and we knew it wasn't fair.

We who grew up broken are somewhat out of time,

struggling to mend our childhood, when our peers are in their prime.

Where others find love and contentment,

we still often have to strive to remember we are worthy, and heroes just to be alive.

Some of us are healing. some are stealing.

Most are passing the anger on. Some give their lives away to drugs, or the promise of like beyond.

Some still hide from society. Some struggle to belong.

But all of us are wishing the past would not hold on so long.

There's a lot of digging sown to do to find the child within,

to love away the ugly pain and feel innocence again.

There is forgiveness worthy of angel's wings for remembering those at all,

who abused our sacred childhood and programmed us to fall.

To seek to understand them, and how their pain became our own,

is to risk the ground we stand on to climb the mountain home.

The journey is not so lonely as in the past it s been ...

More of us are strong enough to let the growth begin.

But while we're trekking up the mountain we need everything we've got,

to face the adults we have become, and all that we are not.

So when you see us weary from the day's internal climb ...

When we find fault with your best efforts,

or treat imperfection as purposeful crime ...

When you see our quick defenses, our efforts to control,

our readiness to form a plan of unrealistic goals ...

When we run into a conflict and fight to the bitter end,

remember ...

We think that winning means we won't be hurt again.

When we abandon OUR thoughts and feelings,

to be what we believe YOU want us to,

or look at trouble we re having, and want to blame it all on you...

When life calls for new beginnings, and we fear they re doomed to end,


Wounded trust is like a wounded knee-- It is very hard to bend.

Please remember this when we are out of sorts.

Tell us the truth, and be our friend.

For children who were broken...

it is very hard to mend.

A child's life is like a piece a paper, on which every person makes a mark

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Somewhere Over The Rainbow

From The Wizard Of Oz

Somewhere over the rainbow way up high

There's a place a land that I heard of once in a lullabye

Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue

And the dream that you dare to dream really does come true

One day I wish upon a star wake up where the clouds are far behind me

Where troubles melt like lemondrops way upon the chimney tops

That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow why, oh why can't I?

Where troubles melt like lemondrops

Way upon the chimney tops that's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly

Birds fly over the rainbow why, oh why can't I?

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