Women in the 20th Century

How well do you know your Herstory? You get your chance to find out here! We have put together a total of 20 questions, spread among 6 different categories! Questions about some of the significant achievements by women of this century. Winners will be awarded a graphic award they can proudly display on their web site! As well, they will be listed in our Wellesley Millennium Quiz Hall of Fame! :)

Contest Disclaimer

Information collected from entries in this contest will be used by Wellesley's Special Events Committee solely for the purposes of conducting this contest, awarding of prizes, and announcing the winners of those prizes. YOU MUST BE 13 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THIS CONTEST.

This contest is sponsored solely by Wellesley Special Events Committee. Yahoo! GeoCities is not a sponsor of this contest and is not involved with the administration of the contest or the awarding of prizes pursuant to the contest rules listed here. If you have any questions, please contact Wellesley Special Events.

* Take the quiz! *

* See the Hall of Fame *