Meet Anne in Poland

I'm from the US but I live in Krakow POLAND.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 195+/159/140's.
My Size Stats: 16-18/12/8-10.
I started Oct 5 '99 after watching "The Thomas Crown Affair".
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs and Caffeine, Aspertame, Saccharin, MSG.

My exercise regime:

  • After 6 months on Atkins, I finally took the plunge and started arm weights! I have been doing yoga for 6 months however on a fairly regular basis. I also do breathing exercises and stretching exercises any chance I get.

What I usually eat in a day:
I'll just post the foods that I eat since I have no "plan". These things I gladly eat as either a breakfast or a lunch or a dinner.

  • I love trout, chicken and lamb. Yesterday I cooked up hares thighs in a red wine sauce which was delicious
  • As a treat, I have a cup of Danone plain yogurt plus 1/3 c blueberries but only 2 x a week
  • Nearly every day I have a plate of cut up carrots, cukes and some tomatoes
  • I limit myself to eggs 2-3 times a week
  • Instead of grabbing a candy bar, I take a small brie cheese wedge and eat on that. People look at me oddly!
  • I also bake up heads of garlic in olive oil and eat 2 cloves a day.

I get sick quite a lot over here in Poland - colds, swollen glands, sore throats - so I am also using food as a way to build my immune system and to feel healthier.

My favorite recipe:

  • Sorry to be boring, but I love chicken soup. After I've cooked up a chicken, I take the bones and simmer them for about an hour with low carb veggies and a Knorrs chicken or veggie block. This soup is tasty and is also good for you.

My inspiration:

  • I'm only 5'4" and every single item of clothing - even the last size 16 Gap jeans and a size 18UK suit that I bought in January when I was also angry with myself for having nothing to wear - was pathetically tight that it would make me cry sometimes or encourage me to cancel going to events because I truly had nothing to wear anymore.
  • I was taking a 4 day vacation with my Mom in Maine in October of this year when she and I saw the new movie "The Thomas Crown Affair" with Rene Russo. Baby, if you have not seen that movie, check it out. Now I know that she probably looks that good because of personal trainers etc., but I took a look at her (and him of course) and said to myself, "If she's 45 and looks that good, then at 36, I can do something about myself too." The next day I started Atkins and have not looked back since.
  • Shortly thereafter, I realized that with all my travels, that I have probably at one time or another eaten or tasted probably every single dessert known to mankind, and I decided that I just do not need to eat those things ever again.
  • I think that sugar and carbs are an addiction and that I was (am?) an addict. So for me, there will be no more desserts and no more chocolate, ever. My inspiration is to finally do this before the year 2000.

My inspiration:

  • I would like to like myself (I already do now after losing 35+ pounds)
  • I would like to put on something really sexy and teach myself that "You can leave your hat on" dance like Kim Basinger in "9 1/2 Weeks" and do it for my husband.
  • I want to run up stairs and not be out of breath (which comes from less weight and exercise but I already see a difference even without excercizing).
  • I would like to live longer and healthier until the very end, not die of clogged arteries like my maternal grandmother did at 68 yrs of age.
  • I want to get my cholesterol way down. It was 300 when I started this and it's now about 260 after only one month so I know that it's possible.
  • I want to put on a bathing suit - any kind - and not hate myself.
  • I want to hike in mountains with my friends and not be the last one up the trail.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • Honestly, during the first 2 weeks I was really really tired.Ê And, sure enough, I got constipated in spite of all the water. I do not take any of the Atkins suggested supplements for this and I probably should. But that's why I try to eat plenty of veggies and why I have the blueberries every so often.

    Update: I have been doing Atkins for 6 months. The only "side effect" I have experienced recently is a lack of interest in food, a loss of weight and zero cravings. I have not cheated once - not one bit of chocolate, bread, or any kind of sweets. I have zero interest in these foods. Eating a piece of chocolate is as interesting to me as eating a mouse pad would be!

My comments:
I like this group. I enjoy reading about normal people with normal lives who are going through what I am going through. I love the way you/we help eachother and that there are no jerks (so far) in this group. I have never had a goal to be rail thin or model thin because I don't think my body was ever meant to be like that. But I would be very happy to get down to 140 and I would scream with gladness and utter joy to the heavens if I ever saw 139 again, even for just one day!

Thank you everyone for everything!

Anne in Poland (sorry that I do not post my email but if you want to write to me, make a posting and I'll write back)