Meet Bethany in Dallas

I make my home in Dallas, TX, USA.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 222/182/150 (FORTY pounds!).
My Size Stats: 20W/16/12.
I usually test light pink.
I started Atkins on 6/28/99.

My exercise regime:

  • I try to do my NordicTrac 2-3 times per week. I'll do it, but you can't make me like it! :-)

My Inspiration:

  • Seeing and hearing the positive reactions when people notice my progress. Being able to wear clothes I haven't worn in years and never thought I'd wear again.

My Goals:

  • Wear a bathing suit in public!

Negative Effects:

  • Big headaches when I cheat and eat something sugary! Actually, I like that part because it motivates me to stick to the WOE.