Meet Cairo Atlanta Tyler

I make my home in London, England.
I’m 5'6" tall and 25 years of age.
I visit the board weekly.
My Stats: 147/144/119
My Size Stats: 12-14/12/8-10
I usually test lightpink.
I started Atkins on 17/07/00.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I don't exercise too much, but am currently following a body sculpting programme involving resistance bands. It seems to work for me and I can see the centimetres (slowly) disappearing.

My inspiration:

  • My boyfriend has been a real good inspiration, refusing to buy chocolates, cakes, anything that he knows may be tempting for me (even if he'd like to eat them himself)
My goal:
  • I plan on going on holiday in December and would like to get into a bikini. I'd also like to go on a big shopping spree looking for gorgeous clothes (to match the "gorgeous" new me!)

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • I have only gotten as far as the end of the Induction phase so far and aside from the first three days when I felt so tired and lethargic I could barely move (oh and the clogged feeling for a couple of days) I can see nothing bad about this diet. I intend to go back to the Induction and get further this time as I know I feel better when following this WOL

My comments:
Just want to say this site is really cool and encouraging and I think that if anything can help me stick to a low-carb life plan, this will!!