Meet Cammie
I make my home in South Texas, USA.
I visit the board 3 or 4 times a day.
My Stats: 225/220/135.
My Size Stats: 22/20/7-8.
I usually test light purple.
I started Atkins on 9/9/99.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs and Caffeine, Nitrates, Unfortunately I do not restrict Vodka. I have a few drinks now and then.

My exercise regime:

  • I have tried Tae-Bo, but I am not consistent...need to find a regular routine!!! I have a treadmill in the garage collecting dust.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    • decaf coffee 2-3 cups with 3tbs cream in each. Nutra Sweet.Ê Boiled egg, piece of turkey or ham or a spoon of natural peanut or almond butter.
  • Lunch:
    • A wasa with a slice of sausage on it, celery dipped in blue cheese dressing, pepperoni with cheese, and sliced onion.
  • Dinner:
    • A big T-bone Steak smothered in mushrooms and cheese with a salad or vegetable on the side.
      • Snacks:
        • Hot wings/buffalo wings with blue cheese or ranch dressing.
        • Veggies (celery, broccoli, and cauliflour w/ dip)
        • pork rinds with dip.
        • coldcuts (non-nitrite, non-sugar) rolled up with cheese

      My favorite recipe:

      • I put 2 on the recipe board! Breadless Reuben and Crustless Pizza.

      My inspiration:

      • The will to not be fat anymore. Being able to eat the foods that I have always loved anyway. Being able to breathe better and not huff and puff! Be more attractive to my husband (like I was when we got married 20 years ago...even though we were both 15 then,Ê small, and not quite grown!!)

      My goals:

      • GO SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy new clothes! Wear Skinny Jeans and feel young again (I'm 35 and feel 45).

      Have you experienced any negative effects:

      • I am not losing as much as I want quickly enough. 5 lbs in 3 weeks is too slow. Loose bowels in the beginning, and now tend to be having the opposite result.

      I have a picture coming soon.

      My comments:
      I love this way of eating, because I do not feel deprived.Ê This is my second time on the Atkins.Ê The first time, I thought I was smart and went back to eating chips, pasta, bread, beer etc.Ê Gained it ALL back plus some.Ê I am back now, and have not lost as much a quickly as I did the first time that I tried (months ago), but, I am going to stick with it. This is my first month on the internet, and I now have a support system in the Atkins Forum that I did not have before.Ê Maybe that was what was missing for me last time I tried Atkins.