Meet Caroline

I make my home in Arlington, Virginia, USA.
I visit the board daily.
I'm 5'3" (almost)
I'm 40 years of age.
My Stats: 224??/184/140.
My Size Stats: 24/18/12.
I usually test trace.
I started Atkins on 6/26/99.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I work out every other day if possible. I currently walk 2.5 to 3 miles each time (on a treadmill mostly) and do some weight training. I am entered with my family to run the Vermont marathon (as a team) on Memorial Day and I have to walk 4.1 miles for my section - Yikes!

    Last summer I did lots of bike riding but my bike has a flat since Thanksgiving so I switched to walking.

    I hope to fit into a nice swimsuit this summer so I can change workout routine to something less hot in the summer. It gets really hot and humid here in the D.C. area.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    Varies. Can be fried eggs with Keto bread, Keto pancakes, or a protein shake (I use Atkins shake mix with whey protein mix).
  • Lunch:
    usually lunchmeat with green beans or asparagus and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Sometimes leftovers from dinner before.
  • Dinner:
    Meat of some form with vegetable/salad of some form.BR>
  • Snack:
    Summer sausage, cheese (limited), 1 ounce almonds or walnuts dusted with cocoa & Splenda
  • Treats:
    I make my own low-carb brownies and almond cookies as well as low-carb ice cream.

My inspiration:

  • My husband's encouragement as well as just feeling and looking better than I have in 14 years. It was great to give away 2/3's of my wardrobe because it was too large! (goals) Go to my 20th college reunion looking better than when I attended!

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • Some hairloss - hope that stabilizes soon.