Meet Cathy Z

I make my home in Belize, Central America.
I'm 5'4" and 38 years of age.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 144/128/128.
My Size Stats: 12/8/8.
I usually test pink.
I started Atkins on 1/3/00.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • Nothing right now

What I usually eat in a day:

  • I usually just have coffee for breakfast. For lunch I take tuna fish salad or chicken and salad. For dinner I eat whatever meat the family is having along with a salad. I eat cheese for snacks - probably not a great idea. I get pork rinds when I can. There's a meat truck that comes to my town on Tuesdays and brings the REAL fresh and greasy pork rinds. YUM YUM!

Favorite Food:

  • Chili cheese bake
  • Favorite snack: Pepperoni slices or pork rinds

My inspiration:

  • My dear hubby has always been supportive of me. He loved me "chunky" even though I didn't love me very much. He's also very supportive of my new WOE and helps me find time to excercise. He's a great motivator.
My goal:
  • Buy a few pairs of nice tight jeans, some sexy little dresses and a new bathing suit to wear at the beach.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • bad breath while in ketosis

Updated by DanaLynn on December 6, 2000