Meet clakey/~CAROL

I make my home in Washington State USA.
I visit the board 3-4 times daily.
My Stats: 400+/400+/180.
My Size Stats: 60+/60+/24.
I started Atkins on Jan.1, 2000.
I restrict myself to under 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • no I am unable todo traditional excercises due to my disabilities(my right leg was amputated above the knee in 1990 and at the same time I had a stroke that paralized my left side. my goal in this category is to lose enough weight to make getiing up out of bed easier. I have gained so much weight that it is just too hard to get up.(I use to get up everyday I have not been up out of my bed since NOV.29, 1999. so my excercise goal to begin with will be getting out of takes alot of physcial activity just to do this.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • breakfast: bacon and eggs
  • dinner: usually chicken
  • I'm still too new to know much more of what I will usually eat

My favorite recipe:

  • Too new at this to have any favorites. but I'm looking forwaed to trying the cheesecake once I've completed induction and I will begin to save chicken receipes I find here

My goal:

  • get in a car and go for a ride. get clothes right off the rack instead of having to have them custom made

My inspiration:

  • knowing and believing this WOE/WOL really works I have read the dr. Atkins books several times and am quite impressed with his quoting reaearch to back up his if only the mainstreamof the medicial community would just look at the successes this WOE/WOL has produced. and knowing that this IS an eating program that I can stay on for life.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • NONE

My comments:
I am so happy to have found this site