Meet Clochette

You can see my webpage at:
I make my home in Southern California, USA.
I’m 5'4" tall and 37 years of age.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 160/156/125
My Size Stats: 10 relaxed/10 regular/6 relaxed
I usually test pink.
I started Atkins on 5/31/00.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs. Trying to be as yeast-free as possible.

My exercise regime:

  • Exercise.....hmmm..this is where I need to make gains. As a teacher, I walk 20 minutes 3 times a week with my class, but I need to do more. After this year is out, I plan to start a daily walking plan, at least 60 minutes a day..

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    either sausage, bacon, or hard boiled eggs (anything portable that I can eat in my car). I liter water. 1 Tab
    During the morning: 1 liter of water
  • Lunch:
    meat of some sort (normally chicken) and a green veggie (usually spinach or broccoli). Tab
    more water (at least 1 liter)
  • Dinner:
    Meat/vegetable combination, cup of salad, Tab. Sometimes SF Jello.
  • Snack:
    pumpkin seeds or pork rinds, more water

My favorite recipe:

  • 1 pkg Hilshire Farm smoked sausage, cut into chunks (0)
    1 cup sliced canned mushrooms (7.5 gm)
    1 cup olives (6gm)
    1/2 cup chopped green onions (5 gm)
    1/2 cup olive oil (0)
    Total 18.5 gm, per serving 4.5, appx

    Combine, and cook on low, stirring occasionally, for about an hour. I can usually get four very satisfying meals out of this.

My inspiration:

  • Pictures of how I looked the last time I was wearing a size 6......
My goal:
  • I hope to be able to go into a store and just pick anything out and put it on and think I look good. I also want to be able to show off my navel pierce, something I can't really do now. My goal there is to get a gold/gem curved barbell to replace the one I currently have (silver) when I actually can show it off in public.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • I have experienced hair loss, but have had much success with Biotin.