Meet Deni

I make my home in Lompoc, CA, USA.
I’m 0000 tall and 0000 years of age.
My Stats: 238/238/155
My Size Stats: 0000
I usually test 20/20/12.
I started Atkins today...again!.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I'm a major backslider. I started at the same weight I am now...a year ago. I lost 35 pounds quickly...then stayed the same forever. I was still eating low carbo, but looking back, I was not drinking enough water...and I got way too hooked on my Latte Breves (espresso & cream)...sometimes having 3 or more a day (yikes)! I got off track during the holidays and have half-tried to get going again a couple times...but not committed.

    I am now determined! I was also getting to the gym 3-4 times a week when I was doing well, so I'm committing to that as well. No more excuses! .

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    bacon & eggs, omelet, or scrambled eggs w/cheese or meat
  • Lunch:
    tuna salad, "lettuce" bread sandwich or cold cuts & cheese
  • Dinner:
    Meat, green salad w/ranch or blue cheese or green beans w/bacon
  • Snack:
    sf jello

My favorite recipe:

  • Oven Fried Chicken:
    lightly cover chicken w/mayonaise and coat w/Atkins bake mix put in baking dish and bake at 375 for about 45 minutes

    Also, really like the cheesecake recipe in the Diet Revolution.

My inspiration:

  • 10th anniversary in 1-1/2 years...want to go on a cruise and look GREAT!!! But, want to enjoy outdoor activities and buying clothes and feeling good about myself also.
My goal:
  • Besides what I just listed above...hmmmm....I don't know.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • The last time I started, I didn't feel good the first 3 days. Had some diahrrea and headaches. Then, I felt great from then on. Had to watch my water intake though.

My comments:
I would love to hear some encouraging stories. I'm so disappointed in myself for gaining back the weight--but I just know that somehow I can do it this time. Hopefully, finding this board will help a lot!