Meet DonnaL


Email: DonnaL

I make my home in Wisconsin USA
I'm 5' 6" tall and 38 years of age
I visit the board 3-4x daily.
Goal Weight: 160
I started (restarted) Atkins on 11/10/00.
My stats: 210/198/160
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs.


  • MSG
  • Diary


  • Fast walking around 30mins a day

Food Regime:

  • Breakfast:Coffee and egg & bacon. Sometimes cheese and sausage chunks.
  • Lunch small salad or chicken.
  • Dinner steak, pork chop, etc.

Favorite Recipe:

  • Chili - Hunts puts out a lo-carb Chili Sauce in a can, mix with ground beef - wonderful!

My inspiration:

  • Tired of getting heavier and heavier, and tired of always being tired. I have a dress I need to fit into for my girl friends wedding in less than 1 month.

My goal:

  • Wear a swimsuit without worrying!!

Negative Effects:

  • Not this time... not yet...


  • I've been an off again, on again Atkid - this time there is no turning away -- and so his is my start from scatch profile...

Updated November 18, 2000

Updated by DanaLynn on December 2, 2000