Meet DonnaM

I make my home in Wisconsin, USA.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 159/151/145 or so.
My Size Stats: 14/12/8-10.
I usually test trace.
I started Atkins on 11/17/99.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • Still trying to get the motivation for that part anyway.

What I usually eat in a day:
I eat pretty basic.

  • Breakfast:
    bacon/eggs or sausage/eggs or just plain eggs(can you tell I like eggs :o)
  • Lunch:
    fast food burger(no bun) or leftover meat and salad
  • Dinner:
  • Snack:
    I don't snack too much but cheese and pepperoni, or pork rinds work!

My favorite recipe:

  • My chicken cordon bleu bake(on the recipe board)

My goal:

  • Buy some new clothes, and have my nails done (hee hee)

My inspiration:

  • I want to be as healthy as I can seeing I am probably at the happiest point of my life right now(yeah!! only took me 38 years to get here)

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • not many at all after the first 3 days.

My comments:
I love this WOE, and appreciate this board sooo much. Thanks Everyone!!