Meet Equine1069

I make my home in Way Northern Calif, USA.
I visit the board daily.
I'm 5'1" and 3/4" and am 30 years of age.
My Stats: 270/206/I'll know when I get there.
My Size Stats: 24/17-18/8-10.
I usually test none.
I started Atkins on 2/19/00.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I try to do something every morning. Wakes me up and starts my day with and energy boost !!! Ride stationary bike with arm work out combo.....OR Tae Bo..... OR Walk / Jog..... Or chase the horses around !!! LOL

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Not really great at "planning" what I eat or remembering to eat.. so I keep easy things to grab on the run. Mostly 0 carb. I do have an omlete with cheese brocoli, bacon, cauliflower, and a little sour cream sometime during the day.

My favorite recipe:

  • OMG !!! The no bake cheese cake!!! Other wise cauliflower soups... tastes just like potato soup!!!

My goal:

  • Feel ok about being a brides maid at my sisters wedding in Dec. I think my only real goal is to feel great and be healthy.

    Have you experienced any negative effects:

    • TOO much energy and waking up in the AM... these are my husbands complaints !!! LOL

    My comments:

    Started out at 270 after my DD's birth. I did do the dreaded Phen Phen but in the long run it saved me and put me on track. got down to 199 but as you all know when stopped went back to 239. Did go back on Phentermine the suppresant and got to 216. Stalled out and decided it was deffinatly ATKINS TIME !!! So 3 weeks ago I took the plunge and presto !!! Loving life feeling better than I have in a LONG time !!! Never gonna stop this WOL... I am a been there done that diet girl and this is the only way for me!!!