All information will be posted on your very own profile page for others to read. None of this information will be sold to anyone or used for commerce in anyway. This is not a test. It is an opportunity to learn more about each other. Please be honest and fill in as much as you can. The more we know about you and your WOE/WOL the more help your information will be to others.

Is this New Profile? Yes No
Email Address:
Website (if you have one):
Your Region & Country:
How often do you visit the board?
Every hour
Every few hours
At least once a day
At least once a week
Once a month
Whenever I remember.
Tell us about yourself...
Age (if you dare!):
Starting Weight:
Current Weight:
Goal Weight:
Start Size/Current Size/Goal Size:
Start Date:
How many carbs a day do you allow?
Under 20
Between 20 and 30
Between 30 and 50
Over 50
I am not limiting carbs.
Are you restricting anything else in your diet?
Citric Acid
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

Any others not listed:

What is your usual ketosis reading?
I don't test
Light pink
Light purple
Dark purple

Please outline your Exercise Regime (if you have one):

Give us a sample of your Daily Menu:

Tell us your Favourite Recipe:

Outline your inspiration/motivation to change your lifestyle to incorporate a low carb diet:

Tell us your plans to celebrate when you reach your goal weight:

Have you experienced any negative effects on this low carb diet?

Any comments? Tell us, we really like to hear.

Will you submit a "before" and/or "during" picture?Yes No
Submit your photos via email to _________ You may update these at any time.