Meet Greeneyez

Email: Greeneyez
I make my home in Kansas /USA
I'm 5'6" tall and 41 years of age.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 301/287/160
My Size Stats: 26/26/13-14

I started Atkins on 9-26-00.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I do Tae Bo Basic at least 4x a week at my own level.I know I will get better,I am already.All in good time.It only took a few times to feel a difference.I will be adding weightlifting (free weights) in a few days,in which I will do 3x a week.Sometimes I walk on a path here in my town for at least 2 miles sometimes 3 miles...

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast: Some scrambled eggs with alittle cheese sometimes bacon with it.Or I make a omlet with very little onion,mushrooms,gr.pepper and alittle cheese.Meat too at times...
  • Lunch: Steak,chicken any meat or fish,some luttuce with vin&oil,sometimes tuna or egg salad...
  • Dinner: Meat or fish in butter,I mostly fry or grill.More luttuce and vin&oil with grated cheese on it and some Mrs.Dash always.The one with the yellow lid it's bigger peices of spice.Sometimes I have a peice of cheese with it...


  • Caffeine
  • Aspertame
  • Saccharin
  • Citric Acid
  • MSG

Favorite Recipe:

Well im new at this and still on induction,but I am eating pretty good though... I like to take alittle cabbage and alittle onion and butter fry it up till almost done,then add cut up chicken breast and fry till nice and brown.With lite salt,pepper,Mrs.Dash (the one with the yellow lid)and some garlic powder.It is soooo good to me... So far I only been using olive oil...

  My goal:

  • Wake up in the morning and have no pain.I dream of that day so often... Give ALL my clothes to salvation army and get new.Size 13-14 I look good at that size... Go to my old Weight Watchers meeting and say,I bet you all thought I gave up huh... Get a picture taken at a studio with my 21yr old daughter(my best friend in the world).She only has 2 of her and I,and that is sad.I want to have a good one to remember...

My inspiration:

  • I have a disc diease in my back and it would be so wonderful not to have so much pain.I want some quality of life back.I know my weight is not helping at all... I was doing Weight Watchers before I turned to Atkins.No more lowfat for me it's a joke! Lowcarb or Nocarb for me... It truly would be a dream come true.A dream I WILL make happen this time.How could I go wrong with all of you on my side...

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • The headaches from the sugar and carbs leaving my body... Besides that I feel great! Im not hungry all the time now and I feel like I can do anything...

My comments:
I will be getting a picture taken soon so I can post it.I want to take one every 25-30 lbs... I want to thank Suzanne from the bottom of my heart for telling me about this board and taking time out of her busy life to care about me... And last but not least,all the other wonderful people on this board that treated me like family from day one.All the tips,advise,and words of inspiration.I am so greatful I have you in my life and sharing my journey to FAT freedom. So a big THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU...