Meet Jac

I make my home in Wyoming-USA.
I visit the board weekly.
I'm 5'7" tall and 52 years of age.
My Stats: 194/178/140.
My Size Stats: 16/14/12.
I usually test light pink.
I started Atkins on 2/10/00.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I go to a special little gym called "Curves for Women." It's a circuit-training place, no men allowed--we all look awful and sweat a lot. I go at 6 am every day but Sunday. By the time I stretch before and after, it takes about an hour. The circuit itself takes 33 minutes, and it's great! I also walk my dog (Pug) for 45 minutes every afternoon. I try to ride my bike or walk longer on Sundays when the gym is closed. In winter (long in Wyoming), we like to x-country ski on the weekends, as well.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    Eggs and meat of some kind for breakfast...and a small glass of crystal lite (I really miss juice!).
  • Lunch:
    salad greens with meat, hard boiled egg, a few black olives and some cheese with homemade blue-cheese dressing.
  • Dinner:
    Meat and perhaps a little salad--green only--with dressing.
  • Snack:
    sf jello with whipped heavy cream.

    I drink about 4-5 liters of water a day.

My favorite recipe:

  • Chocolate sauce: Unsweetened bakers chololate (1/2 square) with 2 T. Butter and 2-3 packets equal. Just melt it all together. I can't think of anything "legal" to use it with, but it smells great, and tastes great! Mixing with a little heavy whipped cream makes a great whipped desert, but w/ quite a few carbs from the cream. Very rich, though, so 1/2 C. is plenty!

My inspiration:

  • Lack of appetite if I stay with it!
My goal:
  • Wear my size 12 clothes! Get a better tan! Go to Tahiti!

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • Bad breath, of course. I'd appreciate any suggestions about this.

My comments:

This site is a great inspiration. What wonderful people!