Meet Jacqui

I make my home in Alberta, Canada.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 191/177/125.
My Size Stats: 20/18/7-9.
I usually test light purple.
I started Atkins on Oct 12/99.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs and Dairy, Caffeine, Aspertame, Saccharin, Citric Acid, Nitrates, MSG.

My exercise regime:

  • I like to exercise.Ê Two years ago I had a personal trainer coming to my house.Ê She basically worked with me on Wts. As a bodybuilder she could not have a bit of fat on her body. She told me to do the following but without explaining why which I now know from reading Dr. Atkin's book and Protein Power. I never eat Carbs before going to bed as excess insulin will inhibit your growth hormone.Ê In the evening I do a short exercise of 20 minutes on my rowing machine to make sure any carbs are burned up that I may have had at supper. In the morning I do a longer workout of 30-45 minutes on my treadmill.Ê I do this first thing before I eat.Ê After an overnight fast, blood sugar levels are low, as are any carb reserve.Ê Exercising before you eat causes the body to dip right into fat to come up with the energy required. Wt training is more important than aerobics in producing the growth hormone which excelerates fat burning.Ê So I do a full body workout Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Right now, I am still restricting my carbs as I want to lose more weight.Ê I find breakfast the hardest as I miss my cereal, milk & fruit routine.Ê So for breakfast it is eggs, bacon or leftover meat.Ê For lunch and supper I eat a lot of raw vegetables with lean protein or a soup.Ê For snacks I use almonds & pecans or open a can of tuna.

My favorite recipe:

  • I am afraid I am going to have to learn some new ones as most of what I cooked before was high carbs. I will try to post a recipe later.

My inspiration:

  • The thrill of seeing the weight finally coming off after subjecting myself to years of trying to lose weight the traditional high carb/low fat/low calorie way. I have also set some goals.Ê One, we are planning a family holiday at Spring Break at the end of March/2000 to Phoenix. I want to be at goal by then so I can hike and horseback with my kids.Ê This trip is in celebration of my twins graduating from high school.Ê Second, is that because they are graduating in June, I do not want to be fat in their pictures.Ê I usually avoid the camera but won't be able to this time.

My goals:

  • My husband has promised me when we go to Phoenix I can spend $500 US on clothes if I am at goal.

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • It is probably more psychological as I miss my comfort foods.

My comments:
Thank you for starting and maintaining this board.