Meet JanisN

I make my home in Chicago 'burbs, IL, USA.
I’m 5'7" tall and 45 years of age.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 288/239/145
My Size Stats: 26/22-24/12-14
I usually test lightpink.
I started Atkins on 7/3/2000.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I'm not exercising yet, but I AM planning to. I get a fair amount already working with my dogs.

    I have 4 female German Shepherds, 2 are Schutzhund competition dogs (tri-athalon for dogs - obedience, protection and tracking)and we train a lot, particularly coming up to a competition.

    Part of the reason I knew I had to really do something about the weight NOW is because I actually lost a championship for my dog. She was in first place until *I* had to give up because I couldn't keep up with her. She finished 2nd and I've vowed for that never to happen again!

    When I start my formal exercise program, it's going to be Richard Simmons tapes during the winter. I'll figure out something else for the spring. And I'll probably add light weights at some point..

What I usually eat in a day:
Usual??? Hmmm.

  • Breakfast:
    is usually a couple of eggs with bacon or sausage.
  • Lunch:
    can be leftovers from the night before or tuna salad or egg salad. Sometimes salami and cheese.
  • Dinner:
    is low carb (my husband is also low carbing) meats and veggies, sometimes a low carb snack during the day.

My favorite recipe:

  • Ham stroganoff is my VERY favorite. Ham steak sliced thin, sauteed in a little butter or olive oil with crushed garlic. Add 1/4 med onion sliced very thin. When transparent, add 1 small can pieces and stems mushrooms and then sour cream. Yuuuuum!!

    I also like plain old cheeseburgers with bacon (no bun) and the spicey peanut chicken from our recipe board.

My inspiration:

  • My dogs, my husband, my grandsons... all for different reasons. And I'm a big inspiration to me! Every day that I stay "on track" I feel a little stronger and a little more in control.
My goal:
  • Be able to chase my toddler grandsons through the house! Trial for the US Schutzhund team for international competition.

  • Make mad passionate love with my husband WITHOUT worrying about the fat wobbling.

  • Walk into Victoria's Secret and buy a tiny, sexy bra.

  • Get back into my favorite thin style of clothes (usually a blazer, blue jeans, T-shirt)

  • Buy boots that fit over my calves.

  • Not live in fear that the doctor is going to bitch about my weight at EVERY appointment.

  • Buy an incredibly sexy, leather corset from Paul C. Leather

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • The usual first week headache and lethargy and now if I slip up and cheat, I feel TERRIBLE physically and emotionally.

My comments:
No picture at the moment, but soon. My before picture is picked out, I just need to wait a couple of weeks to get my in-progress photo taken.

I love the board, the companionship, the support, the truly wonderful people. I hope that I can help others the way everyone has helped me.