Meet Jenmo

I make my home in Pennsylvania-USA.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 205/199/140.
My Size Stats: 16/16/10.
I usually test trace.
I started Atkins on 1/2/00.
I restrict myself to under 20 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I try to excercise at least twice a week, (20 minutes or more of cardio and then weight training) I'd like to do more, but my willpower for excercise is EXTREMELY low. I hope to get up to three times a week steadily and some light excercise on my "off" days.

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Eggs(scrambled,omelets, sunnyside,) and bacon or sausage for breakfast. I usually eat a small salad for lunch, along with some cheese and chicken salad (homemade-low carb). For dinner, it's mostly meat (chicken or steak, occasionally sausage) and cheese cubes, or broccoli with cheese.

My favorite recipe:

  • ohh.. I found a nice treat that's pretty low carb. Take 2cups heavy whipping cream, and pour 1 container of Country Time sugar free lemonade in (I use a little less, it gets really lemony really quickly), whip until firm. You can eat it like that, or add 1 pack of Cream Cheese and it tastes like Lemon Cheesecake! I just eat a couple spoonfuls and it fills my "sugar" craving!

My goal:

  • wear a really cute dress buy clothes that fit stay at my goal weight.

My inspiration:

  • My sister and my father are also both on the Atkin's WOE. It helps to talk to them and get ideas and inspiration as well.