Meet Jobe

I make my home in NewHampshire , USA.
I visit the board daily.
My Stats: 184/166/140.
My Size Stats: 18/34/32.
I usually test trace.
I started Atkins on 12/15/99.
I restrict myself to 20-30 grams of carbs.

My exercise regime:

  • I usually walk four miles a day. I just got a stationary bike and am trying to ride twenty minutes aday or so

What I usually eat in a day:

  • Breakfast:
    two to three eggs three peices of sliced spam fried one cup of black coffee no sugar or cream
  • Lunch:
    1 small plate of raw vegetables (oil and vinegar dressing) sometimes a Advantage bar instead sometimes a shake mix
  • Dinner:
    Ground sirloin berger with mushrooms steamed broc-cawlyflower diet Jello with cool whip topping

My favorite recipe:

  • Really havn"t found that yet, still trying to find

My goal:

  • 1.My main goal once I have reached my goal weight is to maintain it for many years to come.
    2.Buy some new clothes that would make me look good
    3.Give others support for their journey to feeling good about themselves and helping them through their ups and downs...

My inspiration:

  • My inspiration :
    1 feel better about myself
    2 look better and feel better
    3 to bring down my blood stats
    4 To ware those suits that I havn't been able to ware for 1o years or so.....

Have you experienced any negative effects:

  • none